Rotten Robyn
The Labelmaker
My dad writes his name on everything. His full name. Larry C. Riley. And not just his name. His name and the date. My dad even wrote his full name and the date on his broom in the garage. Apparently, even the thing he sweeps with needs to be labeled.

One day, I noticed he had written the date/name thing in his shoes. I had to ask him about that one. Apparently, you see, if he were to die in a plane crash, they would know who he was. I would think if you were in a plane crash, you might not end up with your shoes on, but o.k.

I would suppose though in this world where everything is so temporary and disposable, it would be nice to know how long you've had something, like your favorite pair of shoes. I had on this pair of shoes the other day. They are black satin kitten heeled mules with little flowers embroidered on them. I think I paid $7 for them. I was looking at these shoes and I decided I love them as much as it is possible to love a pair of shoes and that they are my favorite shoes. I wish I had written the date on them. At least I could have written the date I decided they were my favorites, but I didn't.

The other day, I was riding in the car and my son said "Great. Pa Pa wrote my name and the date on my light saber". Apparently, dad can't be controlled and his labeling extends to the personal property of others as well.


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