Rotten Robyn
The Search for Strawberry Soda, Part 2
I met a guy who goes to my church! A church boy! Yea for me!

We swapped e-mail addresses and instant messaged each other last night.

Sometimes the world is too small in a bad way. Turns out, his ex-girlfriend used to work for my boss. Once this common knowledge was exchanged, he could not get off the discussion of his ex-girlfriend. This went on and on and on.... I don't want to know about the ex-girlfriend. Hey buddy...I want to talk about me! I certainly don't want to talk about any of my former relationships. That only hinders my ability to forget about them, which is what I am trying to do! Finally, mercifully, he clued in on the fact that I wasn't interested in his ex-girlfriend. It's obvious he still has issues about her & the breakup. Let me share some "Jedi wisdom": let go of the anger before it destroys you. One great thing about God, sometimes he allows things, like relationships, to simply be OVER. Maybe God has freed you from the bondage of a bad relationship! One way to let go of the anger....stop talking about it! Let it go an move on, especially when you have just met someone fabulous!

Sometimes the world is too small in a good way. Because this morning, I could walk into my boss's office and get an unbiased opinion on this guy I had just met. My boss told me all I needed to know...

Ugh. So much for church boy.


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