Rotten Robyn
blather blah blah
this is just blather blah blah about nothing...

There is a picture in today's paper of a Miss Oklahoma Teen contestant. The caption says "Miss blah blah blah blah wears 4-inch heels as she practices modeling and stage presentation at pageant prep..." Whatever! I would agree that walking in high heels is an important social skill. So I guess I practice modeling and stage presentation every day! (after all, I am a star Star ) Who needs to practice how to walk? I think I mastered that to the best of my ability when I was about 2. Granted, I'm not always that skilled at it, but I don't think practicing is going to help. I just have to remind myself to go slow and take my time.

I'm so tired today and all of my lymph nodes are swollen which always makes me think of Debra Winger in Terms of Endearment so I get just a bit panicky. I might even be more panicky if I didn't want to take a nap so badly. Plus ever since I went to the eye doctor my contacts have not been quite right and I have this weird vision thing going on... I put the end of the sentence because I know it's not grammatically correct to end it with a preposition so I can't just put the one period, like this.

I have a shocking true confession. I really like bald guys. Smooth, shaved heads. I met a guy at church last weekend, and he introduced himself to me and we were talking and this is so weird to admit...I was thinking I like your bald head. Can you compliment someone like that? Can I actually say I find your bald head aesthetically pleasing? Aren't most men embarrassed about being follically challenged and if I pointed out their most embarrassing feature to them, that would be bad, wouldn't it? Most of the time I do have to resist my urge to feel of people's hair. If someone's got spiky hair I want to touch it to see if it's soft or crunchy. If someone is bald I want to feel it and see if it's smooth. I'm usually able to control myself. This goes back to my brother's GI Joe dolls...the one's with the felt hair. I liked to feel that too.

My brother has been all over my case about this no facial hair on guys thing. I just don't like it. My dad is 61 and still has a full head of hair and has had a mustache most of my life. I think it is perfectly normal that, in seeking out members of the opposite sex, I would lean towards guys with less hair and no mustaches. I mean, wouldn't it be the slightest bit creepy if I found guys attractive with the same physical characteristics as my father? But my brother says this must mean I think our father is unattractive, which is not true. He's just being annoying.

Anyways, for whatever reasoning, however psychologically deep you want to be about it, I like bald guys. And guys, I say embrace your bald heads. Don't cover them up with ball caps. We all know you are bald. You are not fooling anyone. Some of us think you are cute.

I found my keys but I knew I would because I had a new key to the office made yesterday. I knew when I was having the key made that was the one thing that would force my keys to turn up.

New word: carguement
definition: an argument occurring in the confines of an automobile
I'm going to trademark this word. It's mine. I invented it, don't even try to steal it.

Had lots of these when I was married. For a very brief period, my former husband and I carpooled to work. It was brief in the scheme of things, like ten months, but it seemed like an eternity. I will at this time take a moment to point out I am no longer married to this person. I also have a pretty clear understanding that carpooling is one of the top ten reasons for divorce. The last big cargument we had that I can recall with clarity was the infamous Silver Dollar City trip, summer of 2002. I actually lost my cool, my temper, with my husband-at-the-time, right in front of our son. Something which I had never done before. But he was going to make us stay in the car an extra three hours and I couldn't handle it any more. Plus at the end of the extra three hours, we were going to have to see his parents. I got my way and it was totally worth it.

I had a cargument with the last guy I dated. He car travels all the time for his job and I just had the assumption that since he travels all the time he must have a good sense of direction, know how to get places blah blah blah. The cargument started because we had a map and, unbeknownst to me, I was apparently supposed to be the one reading and interpreting the map and telling him where to go. Sadly, I feel like this was the beginning of the end. Once you've had a cargument, it's all downhill from there. When we had the cargument we were still at the point in our relationship, early on, when I was still worried about whether or not my legs looked too fat in my shorty shorts. Which is not something you worry about after you've been with a guy for a while. Ok, I always worry about it. Anyways, when it was all over, I mailed the guy a compass and wished him luck finding his way.

I was thinking about carguments because my son is exceptionally good at wanting to start them. I think I need to create a different environment for the car....that the car is a harmonious, peaceful place....some zen-like atmosphere.....and we should act almost temple-like, library whisperish, funeral parlor peacefulness, baby sleeping tranquility when we get in the car. What do I need to do to accomplish this? Candles on the dashboard? Incense? Those seem kind of dangerous. When you go through the know, check the mirrors, adjust the seat blah blah blah, add some yoga postures?

I have one rule about music CDs. It's a very simple rule. You cannot take an original CD to school with you. We can burn 82 copies of the same CD and you can take all 82 of those copies to be lost, destroyed, stolen, used in craft projects, etc....but you may NOT take the only copy of a CD into school with you. No, no, no! Almost every day when we get into the car, my son asks me if he can take a CD into school with him. To which I respond "what is my rule?" and to which he responds "but I'll be careful" blah blah blah blah blah. But you would be proud of me. I never give in...

Someone asked me what my favorite number is the other day and I realized I didn't have one. Put this on my to-do list. I met a guy who's favorite number is 42. I just decided when I typed the above paragraph my favorite number must be 82 because whenever I exaggerate with a number, I always use 82. I can be ever so dramatic about things.

Better go, I have like 82 things to do...

-Robyn blah blah blah blah, blah to the 82nd power

Hey Robyn!

Just wanted to tell you how much I've enjoyed reading your blog! Oh to be single again and endure all the thrills & spills of dating....not that I miss it a whole lot, but I can live vicariously through you when I do!

Love your new word "carguement"! My mother was notorious for starting those....notice the word "was"....she may still be, but I have since grown up and realized that it is NOT a good idea to ride in the car with her (especially when she is driving, because then I have no control over stopping the car and getting out)!

Ok, so I have been telling my sister all about your blog...hope you don't mind if I share it with her (she wants to live vicariously through you, too!--take it as a compliment).

Take care & keep blogging!


I really enjoyed reading most of your blog, I'll have to come back later and finish. My favorite number is 63. Not a fancy or significant number up front but it's the smallest whole number that can be divided evenly by any number between 1 and 10.

Okay, I'm not that big of a geek and I'm not a math person. It's just my favorite number.

The point is you write very well and have interesting things to say as opposed to myself. Geez, I screwed this up already.
Well done!
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