Rotten Robyn
the "Force" is back with us
My son pulled out the well-worn copy of the Star Wars movie again. No doubt this is just the beginning of a renewed obsession with this movie. Don't know what it is about kids and videos, but given the opportunity they will watch the same thing over and over and over and over again.

He's been off the Star Wars thing for a while. Since he wants to be a Rock Star we have watched "School of Rock" about a million times now. I knew the "School of Rock" thing had to be coming to an end because last week we had grown so tired of it we actually began to watch the bonus features on the dvd. Still, better than the "Extremely Goofy Movie" - not one I'd recommend.

We have actually managed to combine the Rock Star and Jedi obsessions - he has learned to play the Star Wars theme on his guitar.

Back to Star Wars, two summers ago it was non-stop jedi action. You know those automatic doors, like at the supermarket? Whenever we approached one, I had to stand back and wait for Nathan to open it with the force...two fingers in a sweeping motion...

We also constantly used Jedi mind tricks on people. That was total fun. Yes please...more of that! Secretly, even without my son, I still constantly do this. I doing one on you right now. You must be weak-minded, why else would you be reading this?

With the prior Star Wars obsession, there were light saber fights and I was continually having to buy more eyeliner because someone kept using mine to draw jedi features on their face. Last year, he was Darth Vadar for Halloween, the year before he was the Bounty Hunter Jango Fett. Sadly, this year he wants to be OSU mascot Pistol Pete ugh but maybe with enough renewed interest in Star Wars we can gently sway him from the dark side.

-Robyn...the good news about playing Star Wars is I always get to be Princess Leia or Queen Amidala

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