Rotten Robyn
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Did you ever have one of those moments of clarity when you realize your life is completely normal? I had that most glorious moment this morning (the sun was shining, birds were singing, my cute little skirt was flappin' in the breeze, blah blah blah) when I realized that my life was 100% completely back to normal and relatively crisis-free.

And even 100% normal means that I forgot to put my mascara on this morning and my car is a pit and I still haven't cleaned my bathroom and my fridge is still empty and I'm just a big disorganized frosted flake who lost her keys this week and misplaced the's good. I've known for a while that I was going to be ok no matter's just that pivotal moment when you realize the "no matter what", the particular circumstance, is totally behind you....looking at your cute little fanny. Because stuff that happens doesn't define who you are, it's just stuff that happens to you.

-Robyn...insert witty comment here

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