Rotten Robyn
Another milestone. Nathan's first day of 3rd grade was today.

When he came over this morning, we prayed about school. I had a special breakfast for him (no I didn't cook it).

We got to school and were getting ready to get out of the car and he said "Mom, I'm nervous!"
And I thought I know, sweetie, I'm nervous too because you are getting too big. I can wear your shirts and your shoes and you have long hair and want to be a rock star and what has happened to my little boy? I remember when you were first born and you were so tiny and my dad took one look at you and said you looked like a "drowned rat".

We snapped the obligatory pictures, met the teacher and saw the desk. All the kiddos with their new stuff and new clothes are always so cute. Nathan is bummed that Jessica and Austin aren't in his class this year. He has been friends with Jessica for a long time...they were born in the same hospital one day apart. I'm thinking they must have spent some time in heaven together. So once you've been in heaven with someone, it's hard to be apart from them in the 3rd grade. Nathan has agreed to meet Austin everyday, by the "Spiderweb". The "Spiderweb" is one of the jungle gym-looking things on the playground. These little Spiderman obsessed boys have aptly given it this nick-name.

I explained to Nathan that although he was nervous, he has been going to this very same school since Kindergarten so he is an "old pro". There are many kids who will be there who have never been to school or have not been to that school, and to look out for them and be kind as much as that is possible. (My mother had also rightly pointed out to Mr. Big Head that he didn't need to tell everybody that he is in the gifted & talented program.)

Me...I made it all the way to the car before I started to cry.

Stuff like this always makes me think about the time when Nathan was not even three, and I switched him from Putnam City United Methodist where he had always gone to daycare, to Council Road Baptist. I was so nervous about transitioning him from one place to another...couldn't imagine what this would be like for the little guy. I took off early a couple of afternoons so I could take Nathan by Council Road and introduce him to his new friends. I remember the first day I dropped him was a beautiful spring morning in April. I took him into the room and I was all prepared for the clinging and trauma. He went and started to play right away. No big deal mom.

I cried. I'm not sure what's worse - the tugging at your heart when your child clings and doesn't want to let you go...doesn't want you to leave OR the breaking of your heart when your realize your child doesn't need you.

Later that day, I called to check on him to make sure he was ok. I never will forget what the teacher told me..she said right now he is standing by the window with another child and they are looking outside. He did not cry that day, and he had no problems whatsoever. I wish I could say the same for me.

-Robyn...just a sentimental, weepy, misty-eyed Mommy today

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