Rotten Robyn
Sentimental Lip Gloss
just a bunch of random thoughts...because random thoughts are on my mind...

OK, I am such a fashion victim. I want a poncho. I know it's wrong, but if a piece of clothing looks like it's either 1. from 1985 or 2. suitable for a 15 year old, I want to buy it and wear it. It's probably a good thing that I don't have a daughter because I'm sure that I would live vicariously through her and insist that she wear the latest fashions. Knowing my luck though, I'd be the one to have the little girl who totally doesn't care about what's in vogue. That's too bad. I'd say get in there missy and put on your converse high-tops and your cave-woman-flintstone-looking hemline of a skirt and your t-shirt with a clever saying on it. You are going to look cool dammit!

So anywho, bought my niece a poncho for her b-day. Since she is my brother's child, I can freely buy her clothes which are unsuitable for a 10 year old girl. When she was here this summer, I sent her home with my Aeropostale lifeguard shirt which said on the front "Saving Hotties Daily" and "sweetie" on the back. It's equally inappropriate for a pre-teen girl or a 33 year old woman. I'm sure that it has since "mysteriously disappeared" in the laundry. he he he (also of note here: should a grown woman really be able to wear and swap the same size clothes as small children? I think not. There's something wrong there and I probably need to cover up my stomach.)

One more random thought on clothes. OK, two more. Last year I was a sponsor at church summer camp. I was a sponsor to the "tween" girls. On of the girls in my bunkhouse and I had the same Paul Frank shirt. I am very much aware that it was entirely inappropriate for one of us to own that piece of clothing. Her! Ha! Couple of months ago, I went to my friend Paula's wedding. I had on the cutest little suit, and I swear, this 60ish year old woman had on the same outfit. Again, inappropriate for one of us. Her! But I realize that I am so cool and everyone wants to be like me. I'm sooooooooo popular. blah blah blah

OK, just one more. I am the proud owner of camo capri pants. Had to have 'em. Brings back a fond memory. I was in high school. It was a father/daughter bonding moment. My dad took me to the army surplus store. Not sure why. Dad bought me a pair of camo pants. I put them on and was so proud. My mom took one look at me and said "you look just like Patti Hearst!". But alas I am a big girl and now I can wear whatever I want, and that includes fashion faux paux and camoflague.

Also of note, since I really oughta talk about something other than clothes. I'm not completely superficial. I cooked this weekend. Yes, I was domestic and I am not ashamed to admit that it felt good. I've really been out of the cooking mode so that was nice because I love to cook. Everything (the 2 things I cooked, being overly dramatic here) turned out, didn't burn anything or have any mishaps so that's good. Nobody appeared to have gotten food poisioning, etc. Guess I'm not completely out of it. Maybe I just think it was good because of all the allergy/sinus meds I've had.

I'm a grown woman, have a job, a child, various responsibilities and I am completely and totally unable to get myself out of bed in the mornings. About half the time I swear I sleep through my alarm. For a while I went to bed with my cell phone and would have it vibrate me awake (I know, that sounds really bad), but now I think I'm becoming immune to that too.

Since I am not yet immune to the shrill ringing of the telephone, I received a wake up call from my mother this morning, only amazingly enough, for some strange cosmic reason, I had already managed to drag my lazy sleepy ass out of bed. So mom's wakeup call came when I was in the shower and then blow drying my hair, and she was beginning to think I had overdosed on Benadryl (always a possibility) and was getting ready to come and knock down my door. I've never od'd on the stuff before...did have that weekend where I was with the parents and having an allergy attack and got confused on children's dosage and adult dosage and took too much. I normally take several benadryl, but I normally take Children's Benadryl. Anyways, I got my hands on a package of Benadryl and popped the normal amount but it was adult formula. Needless to say it induced a very nice hibernation/coma like state which I would greatly welcome right now. Mmmmmm good times.

That's it for now, btw I totally have on my retro 80's looking black and pink striped shirt....I know you are jealous.

-Robyn...I feel just like skipping

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