Rotten Robyn
I'm secure with my masculinity Mom!!!
What I wore today:

This outfit was appropriate for:
a. a job interview
b. a funeral
c. a trip to the Nazarene church

Since I accessorized with a bible, I'll let you guess what the right answer is.

Resisting......urge...... to......describe.....what.....I..... wore...... underneath..... conservative...... outfit. Especially for you, Fej.


OK, I have the biggest zit of all time. So I decided to try out one of those clever patches. It's all well and good until you have to remove the darn thing the next morning, and you rip off several layers of your skin. Not sure what good that does, especially if you are planning to actually leave your house and appear in public that day. OK, now that I've explained all this, there will be no surprise about this next product. These two products go hand-in-hand...

I bought new pantyliners. You know these things cost like $1.00 a box. Not an expensive item. The outer box is wrapped in plastic. Take that off. Break into the box and the pantyliners are wrapped in tissue paper and sealed with a gold sticker. By this time I'm very excited because I've actually forgotten what this is I'm opening. Oh, yeah, pantyliners. Then each individual pantyliner is individually
wrapped. So I'm thinking with all this wrapping that the pantyliners must have actually cost about .02 cents and the rest is packaging and mark-up.

I've been to two church pot-lucks the past two weeks. I like these...I like the socialization. But I have issues about food. It's no offense to you, but if I haven't personally been to your house to know that you don't have 27 cats climbing all around, I don't want to eat it. It's not about you, it's about me. They are still fun though.

Dragged out the bucket full of Barbie clothes from my little-girl days. Got it out for a friend's daughters to play with. Turns out the biggest fan of this is my son. Now the little girls are no where around, and Nate is in the living room with the big bucket of Barbie clothes. Hey, he's secure with his masculinity.

-Robyn...on a scale of 1 to 10, I'm at about 8.5

Okay I'll admit, I'm wildly curious. However, I'm not just about underwear. Just reading this I sound like a weirdo, so I'll try to cut my losses.
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