Rotten Robyn
in the name of all that is holy and good...
I'm back! I know how exciting it must be for you, to be able to read my blog after days and days....wondering, hoping, praying, wishing, sky-writing...

I did write one post last week, and I accidentally made it disappear from the computer. That's what happens at 1 in the morning. It was dreadful though, so it's just as well. It sounded like a 7th grader wrote it. I know what you're thinking, doesn't all this jibber-jabber sound like a 7th grader wrote it?

I don't know what to say. I'm really happy right now, and I think that I'm a much better writer when I'm sorta tortured and anguished. Sorry. But yea for me.
Great weekend. Let's sum things up, shall we.....

  1. Fall issue of Vogue! Yes! 882 slick magazine pages of sheer bliss .
  2. Fall issue of Vogue, combined with pedicure massage chair, toffee bar and Venti-nonfat-light ice-Sugar Free Vanilla-Caramel Macchiato.
  3. Teds Escondido Mexican restaurant times two! Yes! On the down side though, now am feeling horribly fat since I have actually eaten. Not only did I eat, but I somehow always feel compelled to eat my weight in tortilla chips. They really should cut you off, you know. Say no more for you lady! Another downside to being happy...I actually eat. So it appears when I am tortured and anguished not only am I a better writer, I'm thinner.
  4. Shopping. I got a poncho! I got a poncho! I GOT A PONCHO! It's black and it's just beautiful.
  5. Made guacamole. I cooked! I swear I probably gained 10 lbs this weekend. Even if the vanilla syrup in my caramel macchiato was sugar-free.
  6. Convertible ride.
Shabbat Shalom

I went to Shabbat service at the Jewish Temple Friday night. I had never been to the Temple before but I was glad to finally have the opportunity. Every time I've every driven by the place I've always wondered what it looked like inside and what the service was like so I've always wanted to go. It was nice to be invited. I'm weird like that - driving by churches, wondering what they are like. That's what made me actually want to go to the church I regularly attend. I kept driving by it and was fascinated about the outside look of it and wanted to see the inside. It's not any more spiritually deep than that. How superficial am I.

Back to Temple, I was fascinated when they got the Torah out of the secret cubby. It takes two guys...the Rabbi opened the cubby and this whole other dude had to hold the Torah. It was very big and heavy looking and I was afraid for him that he might drop it. The congregation we visited was very warm and welcome and they invited us to punch and cookies after service. As opposed to attending the catholic church for years and years and no one ever giving a rats ass if you were there or not. Overall the Temple was a very good experience even if the old fashioned movie theatre pew type chairs weren't very comfortable. I'd totally go back so call me if you want to go to Temple. Friday night baby.

So in the past week I have been to: the non-denom church x 2, the Nazarene church, the Nazarene church potluck, and the Temple and cookies and Punch in the Temple afterwards. I also went to a Methodist wedding. And there was one constant, universal theme amongst all these worship experiences I want to emphasize to you. No matter which church I went to, I looked fabulous. And there was only one of these church experiences which involved stealing but I will save this info for a trip to the catholic church where I can attend confession.
Major subject change.

Several years ago I decided that I wanted to learn to crochet. Millions of elderly women can do this, but I become mildly retarded when I pick up some yarn and a crochet needle. I recently became obsessed with this again, as I do every fall/winter, when I decide I want to make everyone I know an ugly scarf for Christmas. So I was back on the crochet kick again, and a friend observed that it was painful to watch me do it. I agree, and I am never going to try again. I'm giving it up. Freeing myself from the pain and bondage. I shall go to The Gap and buy a scarf like a normal, sane person.

Bumper sticker seen last week. It's still haunting me, so I have to write about it. "I think, therefore I am pro-life". Well duh! Of course you are! People who think first seldom get accidentally knocked up! This bumper sticker irritated me to no end, so needless to say, this car was in front of me seemingly forever. On other side of vehicle: "I heart babies. Born and Unborn". I can't hardly argue about this one. I heart babies too. But I heart lots of things. Too numerous to list on bumper. I heart babies, but I generally prefer ones that are born and have been cleaned up a bit and smell like baby magic and are approximately 4 months old and just woke up from their nap and are giggly.

OK, spinning off political here. The whole pro-life/pro-choice thing irritates me because we have put this into two broad extreme categories. The pro-lifers seem like crazy christian types who would make me not ever want to step foot in a church, and the pro-choicers are extreme in their own it's your body it's your choice nobody tells us what to do way. Neither of these options seem good to me. Gotta be something else people.

-Robyn...did I mention I GOT A PONCHO!

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