Rotten Robyn
Nick Nack Paddy Wack
Nice Church Boy has been hanging around quite a bit. He went to church with me last night, even though my Disneyland of a church freaks him out a bit. He must either a. really like me or b. now that he has been to church with me it's all over. He did make a tragic mistake though. He came over today and touched my Sunday paper. What was he thinking? There are very few things in this world that I find holy and sacred. The Sunday paper is one of them. I cannot stand for anyone to touch it before me.

Smoker boy #1 at my office got up the courage to ask me out to lunch. Smoker boy #1 and Smoker boy #2 realized it was unlikely I would ever be bringing them a cold beverage. I gave them my sob story about how I would like to, but I don't have a nice, cold fridge in my office. But apparently THEY do, so now I have turned the tables and they will no doubt be supplying me with beverages. Smoker boy#2 is actually married even though he flirts with me. Shame on him. Smoker boy #1 looks like he is about 25, so I am old enough to be his....well to be his older sister.

1. Crickets freak me out.
2. A ponytail is a genuine style, not a cop-out.
3. No bake cookies
a. made 'em.
b. tried to see how many it is possible for me to eat.
4. Starbucks at Barnes and Noble doesn't really seem like Starbucks. The beverages aren't as good. The workers are not baristas. When they filled up my water jug they used water from the sink. It is not the same.
5. Why are iced coffee drinks 10 cents more than regular drinks? What the freak is up with that?

As if they don't charge enough for a friggin' cup o' joe...
Starbucks to Boost Coffee Prices by 11 Cents
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
SEATTLE — Starbucks Corp. will raise its beverage prices by 11 cents a cup on average starting Oct. 6, the world's largest coffee-shop chain said Tuesday.

I should take my coffee money and start buying shares of stock in Starbucks instead.

My Christmas wish-list -
Neiman Marcus 'Christmas Book' Lists $10M Zeppelin, $16,000 Potato Heads
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
DALLAS — Baby Boomers, this Christmas season unleash your inner child and empty your bankbook with jewel-encrusted Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head toys at $16,000 a pair.
Retailer Neiman Marcus Tuesday rolled out its annual parade of seasonal excess and eccentricity in its Christmas Book, which is chock full of luxury gifts that harken to the childhood joys of years past.

That's all.

-Robyn...give the dog a bone

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