Rotten Robyn
breakfast is the most important meal of the day
Needed a little pick-me-up this morning. So in addition to the sugar-free-vanilla-non-fat-caramel-macchiato I got the pecan diamond bar. A treat "loaded with pecans" according to
490 calories.
37 grams of fat.

oh. my. goodness.

The nice little girl at Starbucks helped me to justify this. She said, "oh, you have the whole day to work it off"! Nuh-uh! I'll be sitting on my fanny at work all day! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, there's a lot riding on it, because when you start out like this it's potentially all downhill! No doubt by day's end I will be a big, fat heap on the couch eating macaroni and cheese and crying into a bag of potato chips. I might as well start eating meat again! Just go get a big mac and large fries already! OK, I just went and looked - a Big Mac has 560 calories but only 30 grams of fat. And maybe if I'd had that I wouldn't be so hungry right now! But hey, no cow had to die for my pecan bar.


I like Destiny's Child waaaayyyyyyyyy too much. Bootylicious. Bug-a-boo. Survivor. Independent Woman. Really cheers a girl up.


Not so much a purse, but rather a bag I use to haul around lip gloss. I have 7 different lip products in my purse right now. Sadly, not even my personal best. I think I've gone as high as 11.

cheese makes everything better

Contemplating my weekend plans.

The last time I went was in 1987. I had just recently gotten my driver's license, my grandparents had a brand new gold Ford Taurus. I think they wanted me to go so I could drive. My cousin Chase went too. My Grandpa screamed at me the whole time I drove. And encouraged me to pick up hitchhikers. It was so much fun I haven't been back but the cheese curds are delicious and Nathan would probably have fun...but he's a kid and doesn't need me to drag him around to this kind of stuff to be entertained.

boy story #1
Smoker boy just informed me on my way back into the office that he is taking me out to lunch next week and he is NOT taking no for an answer. That' s always a great way to propose any sort of interaction between a girl and a boy don't ya think?

boy story #2
Got flowers. That was very, very, very nice. They are just beautiful. I've only had roses twice in my life, and that was preceded by jackass-like behavior. It's very nice to get flowers "just because". Now if only I weren't such an ill-behaved witch...

That's all. Oh - one more -
apparently no one is responsible for their actions


McDonalds was the one thing that kept me from going vegetarian a few years ago. And a pecan diamond bar only has 70 calories less than a Big Mac? I'm sure the cows are cloned with lots of steroids and artifical ingrediants anyway so I don't feel so bad.
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