Rotten Robyn
Slaughtered animal flesh and manicures
the things we do for like

I went to the Bar-B-Q place to get take-out for a boy. Not for me. Hmmmmm. I am a vegetarian. I thought maybe I was going there because I secretly have a desire to eat a big 'ol bar-b-q beef sandwich and maybe I really wasn't being nice and thoughtful. But once I got there, and saw the clerk take out a big 'ol side of beef and slice it up, and then serve out some chopped beef, I decided it must really be like because no, I did not have any desire to eat the slaughtered cow even though the bar-b-q place is olfactory-ily pleasing to me. In my effort to be nice I also managed to spill cole slaw juice all down the front of my dress, but oh well. Also flirted my way into a free Mountain Dew, even though I do not drink Mountain Dew. Hmmmm! So either the strange feeling in my stomach is (1.) butterflies or (2.) queasy-ness over the whole beef experience.

I figure:
1. If your choices are to either be nice to someone, OR go the gym and work out, it's much more fun to be nice. Save the gym for when you are really pissed off at someone.
2. By attempting to fatten others up, you can feel thin in comparison, a smug non-meat-eater, therefore you need not go to the gym.
attacked by pumpkins

My son and I went to Small-Mart yesterday to pick punkins. My mom always puts a jillion of these orange orbs on her front porch even though they will no doubt be destroyed by pumpkin-smashing hooligans. She bestowed upon Nate the honor of picking the pumpkins. My job in the process was to (1) take Nathan to Small-Mart to do this. (2) be the one to crawl around and dig through the pumpkins. So, when Nathan pointed his little finger, I would move pumpkins around til we could get that one. When you start moving pumpkins around, other pumpkins start rolling around and piles of pumpkins start collapsing when you pull a pumpkin out. So, there I was, in my Old Navy Linen capri genie style pants and my pink flip flops with my mani and pedi being attacked by pumpkins and hoping to god I wasn't going to see a mouse amongst the pumpkins and hay.
please allow me to drop everything and work on your problem

Lovely interaction with the former spouse this weekend. Now that I can look back and reflect, let me put a positive spin on it. Because that's what I do. Once you have made a decision, one that was perhaps difficult to make, it's very nice to have things to reinforce/reaffirm that you made the right decision.

My son took the dog for a walk yesterday. When he was walking out the door, he told me he was going to wear my poncho (which, by the way, I am wearing every chance I get). I was in the other room but could see him put my poncho over his head and mutter under his breath "stylish". Yep, WAY, way way way way way too much time around Mom. This is also the sort of thing that happens when you allow your 8 year old son to have a mani.

Yep, when I went to the Asian manicure place on Saturday, I dragged him along with me. Let me preface this to say it was special, extenuating circumstances that predicated my doing this. I would normally not take him to do this with me even though I have made sure he dang well knows how to behave at the Nail Salon, Starbucks, restaurants, etc. etc. etc.

He asked if he could have a manicure. I said sure. His nails were long and in need of a clipping, which I end up having to do with much trauma & drama involved. So, it was TOTALLY worth the few bucks I spent while I was sitting in the pedicure massage chair, for someone to wisk my child into another room where I could not see him or hear him and clip his fingernails. Plus the nice Asian lady apparently doesn't clip the nails as close as mean, mean mom does so this method appears to be favorable to Nate as well. All involved experienced happiness. I'm sure once his dad finds out we were getting our nails done while he was at the OSU football game, well, I'm sure he'll experience happiness too.

-Robyn...reeking of rancid cole slaw juice but hey, the sun ALWAYS shines in my world.

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