Rotten Robyn
Just slightly cranky. Sometimes I think I sleep too last night I probably fell asleep about 10:15 and I didn't get out of bed til 6:30. I woke up once during the night - 2:30 a.m. Had a text message on my phone. I read it, tried to decipher what time it had been sent. Military time is confusing at 2:30 in the morning. Went right back to sleep. So I had 8 hours of sleep yet I am still groggy and in a fog.

Today is donut day. That's good. French Cruellers* make things better.

Tiger Woods got married. Shucks. There goes my brown sugar daddy. He married a nanny/model. I want to be a something/model. Can you be a case manager/model? Office manager/model? Insurance worker/model? I could perhaps work on this if 1. I had an actual job title to put with the /model. 2. I could actually be a model (I'd have to give up the French Cruellers* and exists on air, coffee and cigarettes and remove about 18 years from my actual age.

*Note: When you spell check "cruellers" it brings up "crawlers". Ick.

I am allergic to everything outside. This is the time of year when you just start praying for a freeze. Dear Jesus, please freeze all the crap outside to kill it because I cannot breathe. I am cheap and poor so I sleep with my window open and then I wonder why I cannot breathe.

Today is Oct. 6 which means 1 month til my half-year birthday. Which means 7 months til my actual birthday. In case you want to start shopping now:

I always go to the Greek Festival. Cannot remember a time in the past 11 years or so that I've missed it. Anywho, there are 15 days til the Greek Festival. However, I discovered a Greek restaurant this week which means technically I could eat the Greek Festival food anytime I want, which kind of takes away some of the fun out of the Festival. But anything with the word 'festival' in it is a good thing. Plus the Greek restaurant doesn't have the greek pastry sampler pack (which I usually scarf down one or two of these during the festival weekend) and I'm pretty sure they didn't have the Greek coffee - small cups of burnt coffee, full of grounds and sugar.

It is a bit chilly. I dragged out a long sleeve t-shirt and full length jeans but I do still have on the flip-flops.

I rented Romeo and Juliet at the Library last week. The original movie, from the 70's? It was due back yesterday and now it is late. I'm not happy unless someone is charging me late fees. I am not taking it back until I watch it. I also got Pride and Prejudice because Colin Firth is in it. How sad is that. Not because it's a classic, but because Colin Firth does something for me.

Here are some random sites. I figure if you are out here reading this blather you really need some sort of entertainment. Like I should have to be responsible for you! Go!


I'm just about as happy as a clam that you've come across Joe Bravo, a real deal hero of mine. Even when he paints on tortillas (which is admittedly one of the weirder things I've ever seen). His murals are awesome. And his paintings of Emiliano on tortillas.
Oh YEAH. Colin Firth does it. Yes, he does.
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