Rotten Robyn
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Lots, lots to blog about. Just been a busy girl. I'm sooooooooooo popular.

Had Thanksgiving last Sunday with the folks. Holidays like this are good. They do give us reason to stop and remind ourselves what we are thankful for. They also give us the opportunity to ponder how stark raving crazy our mom's are.

My mother had a massive headache on the night before we celebrated thanksgiving. Yet, she was in the kitchen, baking pies. Why? Because somebody has to make the pies. God forbid my brother or my dad would have to go purchase a pie, or make a pie.

I know what you are thinking. You are thinking I could make the pies. Are you crazy? I am a little bit discouraged though. The gay men at work can make pie and I can't. That hardly seems right. That probably explains why they are in committed relationships and I am destined to walk the earth alone. The key must be in the pie.

So Thanksgiving on the Sunday before Thanksgiving didn't really seem like Thanksgiving. We had ham so there was no turkey or dressing. Not that I eat turkey or ham, but it still doesn't seem the same to have ham and hash brown casserole (I made that by the way).

Today, official Thanksgiving, we celebrated in the traditional way. We went to a nice restaurant, complete with turkey ice sculpture. I mean, isn't that what the pilgrims did?

Also new Thanksgiving tradition. Fondue. Or Fun-due. Yum.

The difference between Santa Claus and Jesus.
Pastor said it is wrong to tell our kids about Santa. Why? Because we tell our kids to believe in Jesus, Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. Then we eventually tell them that none of that stuff is real, we then have no credibility, but they should still believe in Jesus because we are telling them the truth about that. I have spent considerable time reflecting upon this because I have forced the whole Santa thing upon my child and needed to feel better about being deceitful Mommy. Here's the deal. We teach our kids with Jesus there is grace and forgiveness. However, with Santa, very plain and simple, there is NO grace and forgiveness. You are either good or bad. You either get good stuff or coal. And that's it. Big diff.

Since it is thanksgiving, I will take a moment to reflect on a few things I am thankful for:
-toilet paper; indoor plumbing
-tweezers, because left to our own devices we would grow a full beard
-contact lenses
-sock monkeys, especially evil ones
-Taco Bueno
-little rat dogs who love you unconditionally
-little boys who steal your heart
-big boys who break your heart
-still being able to wear prom dress

It's all good. I wish Pei Wei was open today

Glad to see you are back. I don't think I've ever seen an evil sock monkey, but I don't think I want to. I hope your Thanksgiving went well.
Glad you are back! I've missed your postings. They always make me laugh!!!
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