Rotten Robyn
ghost in the machine, part II
Yet another giant mis-step. Huge. Enormous. About the size of the Grand Canyon.

Person in my life, we will call him R.I. for short. Nice date on Friday night. The last thing R.I. said to me was that R.I. would call first thing in the morning after getting around. Saturday morning am laying in bed asleep and my phone starts buzzing with a text message. It's from said R.I. What a lovely way to start the day. I was rather surprised but pleased by the content of the message. And somewhat foggy from just being roused. It takes me a couple of hours and a trip to Starbucks to be clear-headed. Not only was the message sent to me once, but again and again and again. R.I. sometimes sends me messages in this rapid-fire manner.

I laid there in bed and I thought about it for a while. I thought I'm not going to respond. But, never one to not respond, I sent a reply. Then I spent a blissful couple of hours, mostly by being lazy laying in my bed, thinking how lovely it was that someone thought such nice things about me. Me, me, me! Yes, me! Because I totally deserve it. Right?

What goes up must come down.

Approximately two hours later, another text message. Again from R.I. This one stating that R.I. was glad I had enjoyed those messages from his child.



Thank you. That information would have been useful about two hours earlier.

I responded something like nooooo, generally I think messages from you are from you. And how was I to know?

But alas I am resilient and I can frame this any way that I please. Let's begin, shall we:

1. Oh well. At least I had a nice couple of hours.
2. It's great that kids today are so skilled with technology and electronic messaging considering I cannot find job applicants who can even type 20 words per minute.
3. It's probably not the dumbest boy related thing I've ever done, nor is it likely to be the dumbest boy related thing I will ever do.
4. Hey, it is great that I can still continue to wax optimist with the romantic fantasies.
5. After prior experience being dumped via e-mail, and now this, perhaps one can finally learn lesson about romanticism and electronic media. They do not mix. So, we can write it up as educational. A learning experience. And those are always good.
6. I always, always always always always have my sock monkey and my little rat dog. They love me no matter what.

The rest of my Saturday? I got to go to a wedding and watch the ultimate romantic fantasy: two people pledging their lives to each other for all of eternity.

At least I didn't have to work today.

-Robyn...silly robyn, trix are for kids

romanticism rarely goes well with anything these days - but I can say that alcohol is the least desirable thing when electronic media is involved... for def!
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