Rotten Robyn
hey, there's more to life than being cute
Whoa, nelly.

I just did something very strange. Very weird. Not at all like me.

I ate leftovers.

Weird, huh?

Don't be too impressed. I'm mean, it's not like food I actually cooked. It was leftover Pei Wei.

When I was married, my former would not do the whole leftover thing. When I was growing up, I lived in a house with two boys. Pahhhlease, there were never any leftovers.

Anywho. Yea for me.

Hooray for Airbake

I am so excited! I got Airbake cookie sheets! 3 sizes! It's a 3 size combo! Is this not the best present ever? My former spouse took my former airbake cookie sheet when we divided up our former possessions and dissolved our former union. Outta all the things he kept - do ya think he really bakes a lot of cookies? I love to bake cookies, and everytime I have baked them since I moved into the Condo 9 months ago, I have burnt the bottoms and cursed my former spouse. Now if I burn cookies I will have no one to blame but me!

How sad. This entire entry is about food. I bet you people liked it better when they were about panties. Bunch of sickos.

-Robyn...want some cookies?

I uh...prefer cookies over panties anyday. No really, I do.
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