Rotten Robyn
bic stick disappointment but hey there are tortilla chips
Job fair at work tonight. That means a crowd of unsuitable applicants rather than just one. But there will be cookies. I normally have to interview without cookies and juice, so that's a bonus.

Sweet-n-Low Daddy. Uh huh baby. In addition to no longer having to put gas in my car or take out my trash, brings me mexican food when I have to work late! mmmmm mexican food!
(There's a line in Shrek 2 where the Donkey says mmmmm mexican food. If I could insert sound clips, I'd do it here.)

Total Bic Stick disappointment.
I love Bic Sticks. They are my favorite pens in the whole wide world. I prefer the black over blue, but blue will do in a pinch. Recently purchased a pack. Instead of the 10-pack, they now come in a 7-pack. Clever. The odd number of pens in a package bothers me. I prefer the nice, even 10 pens. Also they are no longer white, but rather a transparent, frosted plastic. This bugs me. I have a preference for the plain-ol' white pen.

It really is the little things that make me happy. Delight me. Like the trash and the gas and the Bic Sticks and the tortilla chips. See how easy I am to please!

I'm probably on the verge of being evicted at the Condo because apparently my 8 pound dog barks incessantly when I'm away. My choices are: 1. get rid of dog. 2. move back in with parents. 3. move. 4. not ever leave dog home alone. Not sure what I'm going to do about this one. Okie Dokie went over to stay with my dad today while I was at work.

In an effort to continue to be as weird as I can at work, have yet another silver frame on my desk with pictures of non-real people in it. It's a picture I cut out of a magazine of old Barbies dressed up at a house party. It's right by the sock monkeys.

-Robyn.....everything is better with cookies and juice

Try leaving the radio on for your dog while you're away. It helps a little with my dog, sometimes.

I hope your holiday's go well.
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