Rotten Robyn
fairy godburglar says to drink lotsa water and stay away from the marigold walls
1. I should be sleeping but I am not. A strange man (a man I do not know) was standing by my stairwell when I got home, and it scared the crap out of me, so I'm blogging. He's probably my guardian angel or my fairy godfather, and here I am being ungrateful. You think I could feel secure with the guard rat dog I have here, but nuh-uh.

2. I feel like crap. Emotionally. Somewhat physically too. I think nutrition is a big part of it. Mexican food Friday night, mexican food last night, and miscellaneous Christmas party food in between. I'm sick of party food. I'm a real big believer in you can't change things overnight, some things take time, but what can I do right now, right this very minute to make a difference? I heard a little thing a few years back and it really stuck with me. If you want to change your life, don't try to change too much stuff at once. Just pick one thing. In one day, what one thing can you do different. Like a couple of days last week, that one thing was NOT going to Starbucks (oh if only I had said that on the panty day). Tomorrow my one thing is going to be drink tons and tons and tons of water. I was really good about this for a while. It is totally a habit you have to get into, because who really enjoys sitting around and drinking a bunch of water unless it has been filtered over delicious coffee beans and served with flavored syrups and nonfat steamed milk? Not I.

3. You've probably figured out by now this is not when I do my best work.

4. Nazarene Christmas party tonight. Wore: black a-line skirt, just below the knees. Fuzzy off-white sweater...deep v neck, ties at waist with satin bow. And since I did not want to appear too boring, catholic schoolgirl in not a good way with my black skirt and white sweater, wore bright blue Barbie shoes and big sparkly pin. Because I have a motto. You know that whole "what would Jesus do?" thing? Mine is sorta like that. Except it is "what would Sarah Jessica Parker wear?" And that's how I get dressed. Naturally I was the only person at the party in a skirt. And heels. But I don't care.

5. I cried when I saw marigold yellow walls today. Right before I left home, I started painting my entry hall marigold yellow. I always loved yellow walls. I have no idea why I felt the need to paint except maybe I thought the paint fumes would make me happy and forget about my miserable existance. I never finished painting my entry hall. I left it un-done. Just like the relationship. Just walked away. After I moved out, my mother in law practically moved in for a bit and repainted my whole house. She loved the marigold paint, and from what I hear painted practically the whole house in it. I find that so funny, because she never liked anything I did. I never got to enjoy my marigold paint. Why did the marigold walls have to upset me? Instead why couldn't I have just been able to think about that Sponge Bob episode where the teacher is in the yellow padded room and all the walls turn into Sponge Bob?

6. Last Christmas sucked. I was living with the parents and they bought my son a bunch of stuff/toys because they felt sorry for him because his parents were getting a divorce. There was one particular day when my Mom and Dad and I were wrapping presents and they decided I had not bought him enough, so they went out and bought him an X-Box. And I hate those things. Ugh.

OK, going to sleep. For a few before I have to get up and be boss lady. Bonus: I will already be cranky due to lack of sleep.

-Robyn...blogging in my turquoise blue plastic Barbie high heels but at least I took my makeup off

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