Rotten Robyn
I want fudge year round! Not just at Christmas!
holiday update

Christmas is over. Thank the Lord. Thank you for baby Jesus, but thank you that this magical Christmas season is finally over. No, there were no small blue and silver Tiffany boxes in my stocking so the big diamond ring continues to elude me. Damn diamond diggers.

Nate could not go to bed on Christmas Eve. It was one in the morning before he finally gave it up. He had been with my former spouse that evening, and was no doubt left with minimal supervision around high sugar content items at a Christmas party they went to. By his own admittance, he had consumed at least two Coca Cola's. Nate was convinced Santa would not come because he could not fall asleep. I think that Nate thinks that Santa is a bunch of hooey but he is too afraid to admit that he doesn't believe on the slight chance that Santa is for real.

Two of the items Nate got were a K'Nex roller coaster set and an Icee machine. The K'Nex set said ages 10 and up. It came with approximately 10,000 pieces. My 31 year old brother spent about 8 hours trying to put together something that resembled a roller coaster before he finally abandoned the process. The toy box did not state that it required an engineering degree, but it apparently does. The Icee machine box said "easy to use! easy to clean!" Lying bastards! I have never in my life wanted to file a class action lawsuit, but after I assembled the 42 pieces for this Icee machine, and after we prepared a sub-standard Icee beverage, I was nearly at the point of contacting legal counsel. My son loved it, and that's all that matters. I did let him take the Icee machine to his dad's house, and we won't worry too much if that particular toy doesn't find it's way back to my house.

If you didn't get a Christmas card from me, don't feel slighted. It's because I think they are stupid. You are more likely to get a card on Arbor Day or Groundhog day. I got an assortment of cards given to me, and the majority of them had my name misspelled. I can't tell you how little it means to me that you care enough to give me a card but don't know that Robyn is with a y. Also please never get Mom a card. She saves every single card everybody ever gives to her. They are in a very large box in one of her cabinets. I've assured her when she dies I'm going to chuck the box in the garbage, yet she still saves them. Probably just because she knows how much trouble it will be for me later.

Every year I send the Christmas cards I receive to:

I contemplated doing a Christmas letter, but it would have said something like I got a dissolution of marriage, paid too much for a car, lost my job, etc. so I didn't bother.

I got a Madonna CD for Christmas. Feel oh so happy listening to songs from 1984 at max volume on the car stereo.

Came home one evening last week to find that the Television Fairy (parents) had visited and had left a brand new, rather large television in my living room. My former television had been put in my bedroom. I am grateful for the gift, but I don't recall verbalizing to anyone that I wanted a new television set. In fact, I had just had a conversation with Mom that I very rarely watch television. I don't think that people, especially married people, should have a television set in their bedroom. I certainly do not think that me, Nate and Okie Dokie need three television sets in our 900 square foot condo. Freaky though....the new television picks up way more channels. I was only getting half a dozen or so channels because I think cable is evil and don't have it, but now I get more with the new tv.

Another weird electronic thing. One of Nate's electronic Christmas presents came with a card for us to fill out and send in to register the product, and it stated that if we registered and the thing ever got lost, they could track it for us. I don't want Magnavox to have that kind of power with my son's cordless microphone.

Okie Dokie doggie got a sweater for Christmas. It has a hood. He is now a sweater wearing accoutrement. He has been staying with Dad every day, you know, so I don't get evicted. He comes home at night completely exhausted from chasing around their dog who doesn't want her ass sniffed, thank you very much.

meaning of life update

Feel terrible about the Tsunami. Want to leave and become a relief worker. At Starbucks this morning looking at pictures on the cover of the New York Times. Piles of dead bodies, lots of kids. Feel as though my life has little meaning as I am waiting on my macchiato wearing my nice work clothes and Nine West high heels smelling like Tommy Girl perfume getting ready to go to my job in a nice, safe, warm office.

Thank goodness, I think the benadryl is finally kicking in.

-Robyn...somewhat of a sweater wearing accoutrement myself

That silly ICEE machine is evil. What's worse, is that I bought it for my kids, not someone else, I can only blame myself.

I will however be getting larger shoulder and forearm muscles soon as attaining the necessary 500 RPM speed to make a descent ICEE is a great workout too.
1984 Madonna! What could be better?!! I still have my Lucky Star earring around here somewhere. LOL Saw Steve last night and he was laughing hysterically about me skating around the gym listening to "Burning Up." I told him thanks a lot, now I'm going to have to go buy a Madonna cd so I can hear that song.
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