Rotten Robyn
nice girls finish last
Man World
I am in trouble, yet again, for being too nice. Cursed niceness!

Boss Land
It's doubtful anyone thinks I'm nice. I guess this is the universe's little way of balancing things out. Wouldn't want stuff to start falling off the planet or anything.

Kid Planet
Sunday night had a make your own pizza party and eat cookie dough with Nate the Great. Good Mommy. Made birthday party invitations without consent/approval. Bad Mommy. Read "Series of Unfortunate Events". Good Mommy. Honked horn at child when he forgot his backpack and scared the beejeebus out of him. Bad Mommy. I could go on and on, but you get the point.

H.R. pup-n-stuf
Okie Dokie apparently likes to bark when I'm not home. He NEVER barks when I am at home. In fact when I first got him it was a good while before I ever EVEN heard the dog bark and I was beginning to wonder. The first time I heard him bark it was when Nathan doned the Darth Vadar costume. But apparently a "neighbor" complained. I have a significant other, special friend, romantic interest, yadda yadda yadda who doesn't like my dog, and then suddenly my condo gets an "anonymous" complaint? Coincidence? Hmmmm.

Note to Fej:
1. Round brushes are scary. It has taken me years to master medium to long hair and the big round brush. Combine hair, blow-dryer, round brush and 5:00 a.m. and the result can be an emergency call to your hairdresser. We must take these things seriously.

2. You would not be the first man who's downfall was the direct result of this blog.


1. I can understand the brush problem now, I have a 7 year old with long hair. Her uncle (who moved out of state) promised her $100 USD to grow it to her butt. To accomplish this goal she realizes that brushing is not necessary. To avoid public figures such as teachers from calling social services, I too understand the fear of a round brush.

2. So, I'm not the only one.
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