Rotten Robyn
Spackled, Sparkled and Sprayed Smurfette
Christmas Party. Ehhhhhhhh.

People, we are grown-ups. This is not the prom. (Even though some of us can still wear our dresses. Gosh I love to keep pointing that out!)

My dress was lovely, elegant...understated. It was black sheer overlay, with a gold slip-like thing underneath it. Not sparkly tacky gold, but satiny gold. It was very retro, 40-ish looking. Mid-calf length. Not too long, not too short. Not too fancy. Not too casual. Juuuuust right. Will be suitable for future Nazarene social events.

I did apply the three S's of party style:

OK, one more...stringy panties.

Now I will admit I did get a dress - $30. Pricey for me as my usual wardrobe item costs $7 for some reason. (The tag says it was made in India so it probably cost .40 to make and was sewn by a 4 year old working 20 hours a day who has a second job digging for diamonds.) I also got a mani and a pedi - did 'em myself thank you very much free free free! I did get my makeup professionally done, but that was free too. I had given Mom a gift certificate to a salon for Mother's Day and Mom re-gifted it to me so I could get makeup done for my party.

Oh my escort. I was very upfront with him that I am seeing someone, have a special friend, a good friend, a romantic interest, someone who calls me April and hates my dog. I already have one non-committal vertiginous (bet you didn't know blondes knew such big words) person in my life. A significant other. A Sweet-n-Low Daddy - you know, not quite a Sugar Daddy, but pretty dog-gone close. He will take out my trash and put gas in my car! And that I merely needed an escort to my party because I didn't want to go alone. What I meant by this is I am not interested and and I do not want to go to this office party alone because I am new and it is going to be awkward because I am boss lady and nobody likes me. What I really meant is I don't want you, I would really like the kind of guy who has a Smurf collection and I will be his Smurfette.

OK. Anyways, escort brought me roses. Very sweet, but seemed like a creepy way to start the friendly, platonic, escort, non-date of an evening. I don't know if he was being polite or if it was a romantic-type gesture. And I happen to personally associate roses as pretty special, as my former spouse of ten years only got 'em for me once.

One night, two dates!
I had another date after the Christmas party. Hey, if you are going to look that pretty, one date is simply not enough! I got to go eat my favorite Tres Leches cake. It was my favorite of the evening. The date, that is. Well the cake too.

And since we are in the season of gift giving, or re-gifting, I took Escort's roses and re-gifted them to a little girl today. Smurfette's gotta spread the joy around.

-Robyn...I am no longer afraid of my round brush.

Party, dressing up, it was for work, yada yada, Panties! Stringy no less. You know... I wasn't like this before I started reading your blog.

So what's with the round brush fear issue?
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