Rotten Robyn
plucking petals
he loves me, he loves me not
he loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves Rat Dog not...he loves Rat Dog not....

I'm going to quit plucking the petals and just enjoy how pretty the flowers are and how nice they smell. Will save the plucking for my eyebrows.

Movie review
Saw "Finding Neverland". Good movie. I wanted to see "The Aviator" but I never have any sort of plan when I go to the movie. I usually just show up and see what's next.

Rented "Tanner on Tanner". Sucked! Didn't even make it 15 minutes in the DVD player. Now that everyone has the movie pass at Blockbuster, they never have any movies.

Other DVD update: have watched the first season of "Friends" on DVD. Was a Christmas present. Takes me back to a time in my life when I too was in my early 20's and still had hope. Also watched "Love Actually" again! Sister in law Candace was kind enough to get this for me for Christmas. Now I can watch Hugh Grant dance anytime I want. If that doesn't give you hope, I don't know what will. And the good news about watching all these DVD's is that my toenails and fingernails look quite pretty.

-Robyn...french manicured

I'd ask you to lunch.
It might be hard to make it happen, though, what with the hundreds of miles from here to there. I only get a half-hour.
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