Rotten Robyn
proudly brewing cynical thoughts
Went to a local church last night to see a band. The church was celebrating the opening of a new building. I could swear it was a gym, but they called it "The Cube". Not to worry, they had an explanation of why it's a "cube". Because a cube is complete (huh?), just like God's love for us is complete. They had a scriptural reference, I think it was in Ephesians 3, but I didn't catch the verse. And all churches celebrate new buildings by letting secular bands play, right?

I have attended worship in this particular church in the past. The church recently acquired a new, younger pastor when their senior pastor of ten years left. Even though this church was easily identifiable in the past as a typical "Baptist" church (really it was about as Baptist as they come) now it is ultra-modern and not unlike some of the other non-denom churches I've been to. Seems as though churches are becoming as *Generica* as everything else, and we all know how Robyn feels about a Wal-Mart approach to anything. However the Baptist church now proudly brews Starbucks coffee, and hey that is just the thing to make me sign up.

more religion cleverly combined with tv update
New tv gets TBN or the Trinity Broadcasting Network or Totally Big Nutjoblookinghairdos. Nathan and I spent some quality time at home today. Nathan turned on the big tv and said hey mom, look this station is talking about Jesus. That's good, right? I was mesmerized as some program hosted by Kirk Cameron started. The premise of the show was 1. how many people do you know who are not saved 2. what are you going to do about it.

First Kirk and his co-host (I have no idea who this other guy was) were on Alkatraz giving us a history lesson on the prison. Then they talked about how sin is like a prison. Then they went to a bar and talked to people at a bar, because you know stuff like booze can be a prison. They talked to this guy who was quite a drinker. I think they were wanting to portray liquor as a prison and a bad thing, but honestly this guy looked like he was having quite a bit of fun. Given the choice of hanging with tattoo mohawk guy or Kirk, not sure who I would have picked. Kirk and co-host hung outside of the bar and asked people if they were "good enough to get to Heaven". He interviewed two girls, one wearing a playboy bunny jacket, and asked them if they were good enough. They thought so, then Kirk went through some of the 10 commandments to ask them if they had any violations. Sure nuf, they did. I quit watching. It really was a train wreck of a program.

I dunno. I certainly don't have all the answers. I think Jesus wants us to go forth into the world and spread the news, but I don't necessarily feel that it's our job to "save people". We can't even save ourselves. WWJD - I think Jesus would totally go hang with mohawk guy and playboy bunny girl, I think he would just have a different approach than Kirk. But hey, no judgment here, whatever Kirk wants to do with his "Growing Pains" residuals is none of my bees-wax.

must change subjects
In addition to religious programming, when Nate and I were at home, Nate spent some time giving Mommy a make-over. Nate had bought me a giant makeup set for Christmas and made it his goal to apply every single cosmetic to my face this afternoon. Once I looked like a common prostitute, he thought it would be a great idea for us to go to Blockbuster and was quite upset when I insisted on washing up first. I mean, you never know when you might run into Kirk Cameron and a television crew.

-Robyn...looking pretty darn cute on a Saturday

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