Rotten Robyn
slim not shady and can't snap on a lid
why I am not fit for manual labor

Attempted to clean the carpet at the condo. Borrowed Dad's steam cleaner. Mom got real irritated that Dad was just letting me borrow it. She was of the thought that he should just come over and do it for me. No! I have a college degree! I am a very important woman. I manage people for cryin' out loud! Surely I can use the 12 volt Silver Black & Decker steam cleaner! So I schleped the steam cleaner upstairs. (This was after I had schleped the sweater wearing accoutrement of a dog and all my other stuff upstairs. I haven't made it home until I've had a couple of trips up and down the stairs.) Now back to our story already in progress. I filled it with cleaner and hot water, as instructed. I steam cleaned my floor, so I thought, but then I went to empty the supposed dirty water out of the reservoir tank, and it was empty. So I called parents. Mom answered the phone and I said ok what'd I do, shouldn't there be water in here? Mom got Dad on the phone. Dad sensing the wrath of Mom, as he had not just come over and done it for me in the first place, quickly said "I'll just come over!!!". Dad came over and basically SNAPPED THE LID ON TIGHTER for me. Sigh. So close. Almost.

Do feel really, really good about the weekend and upcoming week though. The condo is immaculate and the laundry is done, so maybe I can get in some much needed beautification of me me me - brows, mani, pedi and catch a movie and get a new book go to the gym. Yea for me. Nate is totally fixated on this local band and we are going to go watch them tonight. That'll be good - let the kid watch the show and learn some new guitar faces to practice.

In case you are wondering about what's been going on with my TV's. No doubt you are. As you will recall the last time we talked about it I now had 3 televisions for my 900 square foot condo. The television which is now in my bedroom has not been plugged in and has sat, unplugged, on my dresser for a couple of weeks now. So you can see that it is vital that I have a tele in my bedroom. I was also shocked and dismayed to discover new tv gets MTV2. I found this out when they were having a "best of Eminem" special. Thank goodness it was a short program and not an all day marathon, because I was totally sucked in. I think Eminem is a total genius and the fact that I like him is a dirty little secret I am sharing with you . Yes, just you. They also show Beavis and Butthead on the MTV2 which could be a real problem for me.


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