Rotten Robyn
toast is hard and bar-b-q sucks
the last three I've seen:
1. Hotel Rwanda
2. Maria Full of Grace (Spanish - subtitles)
3. A Very Long Engagement (French - subtitles)
(all within the past week - no wonder I'm so depressed)

1. Hotel - everyone should see this film. When your kids are "old enough"...they should see it too. We will be in Iraq forever, yet we let almost a million people die in Rwanda.

2. Maria Full of Grace
This film moved very slowly, yet it was good. Definitely worthy of watching. It's about a young, pregnant Columbian girl who becomes a drug runner, swallowing balloons of cocaine.

I don't see how anyone, who has access to go to/rent either of the movies above will be able to even remotely think about complaining about one ounce of their luxurious life. (Unless, of course, they tried to make Hello Kitty toast this morning or ever tried to figure out the complex male psyche.)

3. a very, very, very, very, very long movie
It was ok. Ehhhh. Parts of it I liked very much. But I swear I felt like I was in the theatre for 6 freakin' hours! If you are planning to see the movie....warning.....I'm talking about it here....
It's about this girl who goes looking for her *missing* fiance after WWI. She goes here. Someone says he'd dead. She goes somewhere else. Yep he's dead. She hires a private detective. She looks here. He's dead. She looks there. He's dead. Then after about 6 hours of this guess what? He's alive. But by then I found myself no longer caring.

product update
I used the Hello Kitty toaster. Frankly, I was a bit disappointed at first. I had some of that swirly, cinnamonny bread, and I tried it first. No distinguishable face of Hello Kitty on the toast. Tried another piece. Cranked the heat setting up more. Nope. Tried potato bread. OK, that worked. I was glad because I was starting to panic and get a bit agitated. After all, I was doing this in the morning. It is not good for me to try to do such complex things before I have had coffee.

Today we are having a lunch at work. The theme is Mardi Gras. Yet the luncheon is bar-b-q. Strangely though, I have never associated Mardi Gras and slaughtered animal flesh before. I hate bar-b-q, and here in the land where people slaughter their own pet cow Bessie and stick her in the deep freeze, people just don't get it so they are always trying to force the bar-b-q on you. chipped beef on my Hello Kitty toast

I might watch a movie too, not one you have suggested, just whatever I might find in my own collection.

Never attempt to operate any type of machinery except your snooze alarm or flushing toilets without coffee. Any thing else and it can get dangerous.
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