Rotten Robyn
The Season of Lent, near-death experiences, a "Ranch" and no polish
Pastor/Poodle Hater/Professor Vertiginous/Rabbi/Boyfriend/Significant Other....
and I were discussing the season of Lent. I told him, and we'll just call him "him" for brevity, some of the things I had toyed giving up:

1. mexican food
2. coffee

I know, it's a long list, but it's not like I have a lotta vices.

"He" hit me where I live. He said that I should give up...and are you ready for this???...nail polish. On my fingernails, that's really not a biggie because sometimes I like the bare nails or go for a cleaner, clear, natural, professional, shiny, well-manicured look. However I cannot recall a time when I have not had colored polish on my toes. Or little painted designs. So this turned into a discussion where I asked things like would it be ok if I used clear polish, and "he" said things like Jesus died on the cross for you and you can't stop painting your toes for 40 days.

"He" also just got back from a ski trip. Apparently "he" had a near-death experience driving on an icy road down the side of a mountain. All I'll say is he should have way more near-death experiences, they seem to be quite good for our relationship.

A guy TOTALLY tried to pick me up at the Post Office today. Going to the Post Office is one of my most unfavorite things to do. One of my most unfavorite places in the whole wide world. Quick three things I despise: 1. putting gas in my car, 2. taking out the trash, 3. going to the Post Office. Oh, and 4. unpolished toes. Anyways, if you were ever going to approach me, try to pick me up, the Post Office is probably NOT the place. Anyway, he asked me my name. I told him Robyn R. He said my name is blah blah...whatever it was, his initials were also R.R. So his conclusion: (and he said this to me) we would be great together! He gave me his business card and said give me a call and let's go to lunch sometime. This guy was approximately, and mind you I'm not good at figuring out people's ages, but I am not kidding you he was about 67 years old. His card had a work phone, a fax and the phone number at his "Ranch". Hmmmm. It was somewhat sweet, but creepy. Mostly creepy.

Nate and I made valentine boxes last weekend. I had to cover a shoe-box for Nate to take to school to decorate. What fun is that? So we covered one for Mommy too, and Nate and I decorated it together. Then I took it to work and hung it outside of my office. Needless to say, I am the only person at the office with a valentine box. This brought many comments. Many people made the comment that we should all have valentine boxes. Then I had lots of other comments along the lines of "do you really expect valentines???". Of course I do! If you build it, they will come! What's funny is that I am probably one of the only people in the whole freakin' office who didn't hang up a Christmas stocking. So it was ok for all of them to think that Santa was going to come, but it is unreasonable for me to think that St. Valentine will visit me? And it has totally worked. So far I have received some candy, some more candy, a card, and a valentine pin. So ha!

Off to perform polish removal process...


Note to self: Once I build enough confidence to attempt to pick up women, don't do it at Post Offices.

I could never give up Mexican food, and I think God would respect me more for "not" being able to. Afterall, he made it right?
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