Rotten Robyn
So what if I don't like peanut butter! What's it to ya?
In car with Poodle Hating Pastor and kiddos on our way to Medieval Times.

Got up this a.m. and spent considerable time making sammiches to stop and eat for lunch. Well let me back up a bit. Went to the grocery store last night to buy the stuff for the sammiches. Granted, I bought some other stuff too, but I spent $60.

So I get up this morning to make the picnic. I cannot buy regular bread at the grocery store. I never buy that processed, refined stuff. It is not good for you and it does not taste good. So when I buy bread, which is rare cuz I don't eat it, I go to the bakery. So I have this fresh baked bakery bread with sunflower seeds and all sorts of healthy stuff. Then I can't buy regular peanut butter and jelly. So I buy the all natural peanut butter that has the natural separation of oil on top that you have to stir up really well. And I don't even like peanut butter! And I have to buy the fruit only jelly. Why are you still reading this?

Anyway I make all these damn sandwiches and it takes way too much time and I spent so much damn money I'm thinking why in the heck are we just not stopping at mcdonalds? I hate mcdonalds, I hate them so much I'm not even going to capitalize their name. But I really don't like peanut butter and jelly either.

Well this ought to be a great trip. I started my period this morning and the Poodle Hating Pastor is perturbed at me because I was not punctual this morning. He is pretty much not speaking to me.

It is a good thing we are not joking around about proposals anymore because I am pretty sure he has completely changed his mind about me because I am always late and I am selfish.

I'm reminded of something everytime I encounter peanut butter. Several years ago I had to go to Mississippi for a business trip. I was a fraud investigator at the time and I had to teach some fraud awareness classes. The president of the company I was visiting took me out to dinner one night. He told me "Robyn there are two kinds of people in this world --- those who like peanut butter and those who don't". Then he said "you, Robyn, don't like peanut butter". I never asked him to explain what that meant and for YEARS it has driven me crazy. I no longer work for the company but I have even thought of calling the guy up and asking him what it meant.

-Robyn...neither crunchy nor creamy

Now, now. You have to tell everyone your news. ;-)
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