dream interpretation
Nathan had a dream about an antique store. I love to look at the dream dictionary, so here is what is says about "antiques" -
This often relates to the experiences in your life that have become deeply buried, or even forgotten, such as childhood experiences, or the person you were in a past relationship of work. It can also represent the deeply unconscious wisdom you hold in your body, or in your racial memories or family traditions. A part of self relating to biological knowledge of the cells, instincts, that are older than the personal self. Occasionally it suggest aspects of self from previous lives. In general it is knowledge, or wisdom of life gained through long experience
Wow, I have one deep kid.
Specifically, he was lost in an antique store -
Being lost: This links with feelings of confusion, lack of direction or conflict, of not understanding what is involved in the present situation you are in. The dream environment you are lost in will define what the confusion or conflict connects with. Sometimes this lost feeling arises because there are issues or changes in your life you have not acknowledged or do not want to acknowledge
Holy crap. Didn't realize the 3rd grade was so tough on a kid.
Couple of nights ago, I had a dream I was taking a shower. So naturally I thought I must have a guilty conscience about something, because I'm generally up to no good in some aspect of my life. BUT I looked up water on the dream interpreter and was pleasantly surprised to learn that dreaming about water is a good thing. Feelings of relaxation. Feeling more presentable and acceptable. Process of healing and change. Water can also symbolize faith, fearlessness, purity of feeling, hope and joy.
Maybe the dream dictionary isn't completed whacked.
-Robyn...dream a little dream of me
Guess the kid doesn't see me eat much.
The other night I made mac-n-cheese and Nathan said "who's that for?" And I, in my smart-alecky way said "It's for me, is it all right with you if your Mom actually eats something?"
Nathan said "Yeah, I'm just not used to seeing you do that."
-Robyn...ok, the diet's finally over
random mish mash
Just a bunch of random mish-mash...
Went to the gym today. Nothing like going to the gym to make you feel better about yourself. Whenever I go to the gym and see some large-chested lady on the treadmill with her boobs flopping around, it always makes me feel good about my tiny chest. No large sagging breasts here! Nope, mine don't move when I'm on the treadmill. This is the only time another woman looks at me and has boob-envy.
Anyways, at the gym, sign on the treadmill:
"this is NOT a toy"
that's very helpful information
I mean, seeings how I am a grown woman, I frequently get things confused as to whether or not they are toys. Especially men. Te he he. Not really but that was just too funny to not throw in...
Just tired. Hey I can handle the exercise thing if it actually helps me to sleep better. Thought it was supposed to make me feel better too. I have never found that to be true about exercise. Would probably sleep better if I didn't drink so much espresso. Ah...espresso, the convenience of an entire pot of coffee conveniently condensed into a single shot of a drink. I should give it up but then the whole tone of this blog could take an ugly, cranky turn and I can't do that to you. This isn't just about me.
Seriously starting to re-think my position on facial hair. On men that is. I still pretty much feel the same about it on women.
Also, seriously thinking about updating my list of favorite things to include large diamond ring in small turquoise-blue box from "Tiffany & Co.". Hey, it couldn't hurt.
-Robyn...I want to kiss hello on both cheeks.
Nazarene Underwear
As I know many of you have been refreshing your browser like mad, waiting for my next relational update, the moment has arrived.
OK, I had a "date" last night. With a nice church boy.
Went to the nail salon yesterday afternoon - pre-date of course - it was a mother/daughter bonding experience. And my nails look really pretty by the way. Anyways, the discussion at the "spa" turned into "what shall I wear on my date?''. Of course, this discussion followed the very important discussion of "what color should I paint my nails?" So my mother and I whiled away the minutes by mentally perusing my wardrobe. Turns out I have SCADS of inappropriate clothes. It was apparently much easier for Mom to tick off the outfits I SHOULDN'T wear.
People who don't know me don't realize that I LOVE to dress up. Always have. I HATE to wear pants. Jeans are OK sometimes, but slacks...nuh uh. Bleeeeh. I am 100% girly girl.
Anyway, back to the "date". I know you are biting your nails, wondering what I wore. So was it to be the red dress, the sundress that laces up the back, the black and pink dress with a bow on it that I bought because it reminded me of my grandma's nightgown, my geometrical print skirt...??? ???
Mom decided after the nail salon we HAD to go shopping. We went to Gordman's, which is by the way, my new favorite place to shop. Mom has obviously not read my blog entry on how if something looks like it's for a 15 year old/from 1985 I want it. Mom apparently thinks I should dress much more conservatively. What kills me is sometimes Mom will say how cute I look, but if we had seen the same exact thing hanging in the store, she would have rejected it. She just doesn't realize my ability to pull some things off. Style.
Mom chose a black shirt and grey slacks. Hellloooooooooo! I said "that looks great Mom"! "Looks like I'm going to a funeral! Where's the color?!? I need color!" !!!
We looked at one shirt and mom said - and this cracks me up - "you'll need a black bra to wear under that. Do you have a black bra?" Yes, Mom. I have a black bra. The only color of bra you should wonder about me NOT having is a plain white bra. I get to wear lots of colorful, fun bras. It's my compensation for having very small breasts. Big boobs = boring bras. They figure us small-chested girls should have something. I guess bra manufacturers figure we might be able to fool the world with all the lace, padding, colors, patterns, etc. so they won't notice how tiny our boobies are.
I finally said f&%K it. This is who I am and yes I wear a skirts and dresses and am way over the top, but that's me. And Mr. Date should know that by now, and if he doesn't like it, well that's just. too. damn. bad.
It was finally determined that NONE, not one single piece of my clothing was the least bit Nazarene. You will never see me sporting the no-makeup, natural hair color, long straight denim skirt and keds with bobby socks.
And there is definitely nothing the least bit traditional church-like about my underwear. Very non-denominational. Charismatic.
The context of the date was to go hang out with a small group of church-goers. Turns out, I did overdress, just like I always do for every other situation of my life. But because I wear what I want to wear, I feel completely comfortable.
Also turns out that church people are just that..people - just like everybody else. Less stylish than Robyn.
-Robyn...the nail polish is called "20 candles on my cake". that'll work.
Kentucky Fried Craving
For those of you who had to listen to my tirade on Kentucky Fried Chicken...here is a follow up.
I got a letter back from the Public Relations department. Apparently, KFC is just like me...they buy their chicken just like I go into a supermarket to buy my chicken! Only I don't buy chicken. Helllloooooooo KFC! That's what the whole "vegetarian" part of my letter was referring to. Seems KFC's correspondence to me is about as genuine as John Kerry's. Anyway, KFC was also quite surprised to learn that the people they bought their chicken from were mean to the chickens.
So nice of them to respond to my concerns. Wondering now if I can end my boycott of them & Taco Bell & Long John Silvers, etc. I do enjoy the occasional biscuit, cole slaw, mashed potatoes, etc.
KFC does hold a special place in my heart though. Strangest thing...when I was pregnant with Nathan I actually CRAVED Kentucky Fried Chicken. It's the one thing I can remember having a specific craving for. I absolutely HAD to have extra crispy and original recipe. And you know you have to feed the baby wants what the baby wants! I have never wanted the stuff since. Anyway, that's just bizarre to me.
-Robyn...can't think of anything clever to put here
I feel pretty
Today on the way to school my son said "Momma, you look pretty today!"
What? Is this kid crazy? 2nd day of school and someone's already selling him crack? I have on not one speck of makeup. I have my wild, wavy hair because this morning precedence was given to sleeping instead of blow-drying. I have on my capri carpenter jeans and my blue flip flops...
But, I also happen to be sporting a very bright orange "Lake Park Lions" t-shirt. Because Friday is the day that you wear the school t-shirt. So Nathan and I are totally matchy-matchy today. I guess in a 3rd grade world, this is all it takes for your mom to be pretty. They will never tell you this at the Clinique counter though.
Thanks Nathan. If only grown-ups were this easy to impress.
-Robyn...now I will be singing songs from West Side Story all day...
Another milestone. Nathan's first day of 3rd grade was today.
When he came over this morning, we prayed about school. I had a special breakfast for him (no I didn't cook it).
We got to school and were getting ready to get out of the car and he said "Mom, I'm nervous!"
And I thought I know, sweetie, I'm nervous too because you are getting too big. I can wear your shirts and your shoes and you have long hair and want to be a rock star and what has happened to my little boy? I remember when you were first born and you were so tiny and my dad took one look at you and said you looked like a "drowned rat".
We snapped the obligatory pictures, met the teacher and saw the desk. All the kiddos with their new stuff and new clothes are always so cute. Nathan is bummed that Jessica and Austin aren't in his class this year. He has been friends with Jessica for a long time...they were born in the same hospital one day apart. I'm thinking they must have spent some time in heaven together. So once you've been in heaven with someone, it's hard to be apart from them in the 3rd grade. Nathan has agreed to meet Austin everyday, by the "Spiderweb". The "Spiderweb" is one of the jungle gym-looking things on the playground. These little Spiderman obsessed boys have aptly given it this nick-name.
I explained to Nathan that although he was nervous, he has been going to this very same school since Kindergarten so he is an "old pro". There are many kids who will be there who have never been to school or have not been to that school, and to look out for them and be kind as much as that is possible. (My mother had also rightly pointed out to Mr. Big Head that he didn't need to tell everybody that he is in the gifted & talented program.)
Me...I made it all the way to the car before I started to cry.
Stuff like this always makes me think about the time when Nathan was not even three, and I switched him from Putnam City United Methodist where he had always gone to daycare, to Council Road Baptist. I was so nervous about transitioning him from one place to another...couldn't imagine what this would be like for the little guy. I took off early a couple of afternoons so I could take Nathan by Council Road and introduce him to his new friends. I remember the first day I dropped him off...it was a beautiful spring morning in April. I took him into the room and I was all prepared for the clinging and trauma. He went and started to play right away. No big deal mom.
I cried. I'm not sure what's worse - the tugging at your heart when your child clings and doesn't want to let you go...doesn't want you to leave OR the breaking of your heart when your realize your child doesn't need you.
Later that day, I called to check on him to make sure he was ok. I never will forget what the teacher told me..she said right now he is standing by the window with another child and they are looking outside. He did not cry that day, and he had no problems whatsoever. I wish I could say the same for me.
-Robyn...just a sentimental, weepy, misty-eyed Mommy today
more scriptures...
more fav scriptures...
Thou hast put gladness in my heart.
-Psalm 4:7
When I am afraid I will trust in you.
-Psalm 56:3
Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble and always be prayerful.
-Romans 12:12
For I am about to do a brand new thing. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
-Isaiah 43:19
another Jedi sighting
My son came over this morning...
He immediately went to the television and started up the Star Wars movie from where he left off yesterday. I later walked in the room to see him sitting on the couch holding his light saber watching the movie.
here we go again
-Robyn...I'm definitely on the dark side
Sentimental Nail Polish
OK, no clever name for this post. It is complete shallow. While others out there on the web are writing of politics and religion and deep, intellectual-type things...I am writing a missive about nail polish. But you know what's worse? You are reading it. At least I'm writing!
I absolutely have to look at the name of a nail polish. The color is only part of the process. The name is equally as important. The clever marketing people have obviously figured this out.
see what I mean:
"her fabulous-ness"
"it's all greek to me" pink
"I'm not a waitress" red
"light my tiki"
"clear" ....I know! This is one catchy name!
I have a bottle of dried up pink sparkly polish that I am keeping solely for sentimental reasons because Nathan bought it for me. I used to paint my toes with it all the time and it's called "this little piggy pink".
-Robyn...her fabulous-ness
favorite scripture passages
My favorite scripture passages...
Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.
-Ephesians 4:29
Do all things without complaining.
-Philippians 2:14
Be sure to do what you should, for then you will enjoy the personal satisfaction of having done your work well, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else.
-Galatians 6:4
casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you
-1 Peter 5:7
(this verse is especially meaningful to me because Nathan brought it to my attention during a period in my life when it was exactly what I needed to hear)
more to come
I told you so
The best quotes and phrases and bumper sticker and sayings etc. etc. of all time:
(in no particular order, except the order I am putting them in)
"Do not forget that true love sets no conditions; it does not calculate or complain, but simply loves."
- Pope John Paul II
"You did what you knew how to do. And when you knew better, you did better".
-Maya Angelou
"Every idiot we date is one less idiot we risk marrying."
from the book "Kiss My Tiara"
plants and animals die every day to make room for your fat ass (bumper sticker)
not all who wander are lost (bumper sticker)
"what's the one thing that makes us feel better no matter what?"
(why it's manicures & pedicures!)
from the movie "Legally Blonde"
"It's nice to be nice to the nice"
-Frank Burns
more to come
I'm telling ya... Utah is a BAD freakin' place to be!
Boy Scout Missing in Utah
Monday, August 23, 2004
SALT LAKE CITY — Search teams and volunteers on the ground and in the air scoured a 36-square mile area in the Uinta Mountains Monday looking for a 12-year-old Boy Scout.
Garrett Bardsley of Elk Ridge was last seen Friday. Police said he was fishing with his father when he was sent back to camp a few hundred yards away to change his wet shoes...
the "Force" is back with us
My son pulled out the well-worn copy of the Star Wars movie again. No doubt this is just the beginning of a renewed obsession with this movie. Don't know what it is about kids and videos, but given the opportunity they will watch the same thing over and over and over and over again.
He's been off the Star Wars thing for a while. Since he wants to be a Rock Star we have watched "School of Rock" about a million times now. I knew the "School of Rock" thing had to be coming to an end because last week we had grown so tired of it we actually began to watch the bonus features on the dvd. Still, better than the "Extremely Goofy Movie" - not one I'd recommend.
We have actually managed to combine the Rock Star and Jedi obsessions - he has learned to play the Star Wars theme on his guitar.
Back to Star Wars, two summers ago it was non-stop jedi action. You know those automatic doors, like at the supermarket? Whenever we approached one, I had to stand back and wait for Nathan to open it with the force...two fingers in a sweeping motion...
We also constantly used Jedi mind tricks on people. That was total fun. Yes please...more of that! Secretly, even without my son, I still constantly do this. I doing one on you right now. You must be weak-minded, why else would you be reading this?
With the prior Star Wars obsession, there were light saber fights and I was continually having to buy more eyeliner because someone kept using mine to draw jedi features on their face. Last year, he was Darth Vadar for Halloween, the year before he was the Bounty Hunter Jango Fett. Sadly, this year he wants to be OSU mascot Pistol Pete ugh but maybe with enough renewed interest in Star Wars we can gently sway him from the dark side.
-Robyn...the good news about playing Star Wars is I always get to be Princess Leia or Queen Amidala
Sentimental Lip Gloss
just a bunch of random thoughts...because random thoughts are on my mind...
OK, I am such a fashion victim. I want a poncho. I know it's wrong, but if a piece of clothing looks like it's either 1. from 1985 or 2. suitable for a 15 year old, I want to buy it and wear it. It's probably a good thing that I don't have a daughter because I'm sure that I would live vicariously through her and insist that she wear the latest fashions. Knowing my luck though, I'd be the one to have the little girl who totally doesn't care about what's in vogue. That's too bad. I'd say get in there missy and put on your converse high-tops and your cave-woman-flintstone-looking hemline of a skirt and your t-shirt with a clever saying on it. You are going to look cool dammit!
So anywho, bought my niece a poncho for her b-day. Since she is my brother's child, I can freely buy her clothes which are unsuitable for a 10 year old girl. When she was here this summer, I sent her home with my Aeropostale lifeguard shirt which said on the front "Saving Hotties Daily" and "sweetie" on the back. It's equally inappropriate for a pre-teen girl or a 33 year old woman. I'm sure that it has since "mysteriously disappeared" in the laundry. he he he (also of note here: should a grown woman really be able to wear and swap the same size clothes as small children? I think not. There's something wrong there and I probably need to cover up my stomach.)
One more random thought on clothes. OK, two more. Last year I was a sponsor at church summer camp. I was a sponsor to the "tween" girls. On of the girls in my bunkhouse and I had the same Paul Frank shirt. I am very much aware that it was entirely inappropriate for one of us to own that piece of clothing. Her! Ha! Couple of months ago, I went to my friend Paula's wedding. I had on the cutest little suit, and I swear, this 60ish year old woman had on the same outfit. Again, inappropriate for one of us. Her! But I realize that I am so cool and everyone wants to be like me. I'm sooooooooo popular. blah blah blah
OK, just one more. I am the proud owner of camo capri pants. Had to have 'em. Brings back a fond memory. I was in high school. It was a father/daughter bonding moment. My dad took me to the army surplus store. Not sure why. Dad bought me a pair of camo pants. I put them on and was so proud. My mom took one look at me and said "you look just like Patti Hearst!". But alas I am a big girl and now I can wear whatever I want, and that includes fashion faux paux and camoflague.
Also of note, since I really oughta talk about something other than clothes. I'm not completely superficial. I cooked this weekend. Yes, I was domestic and I am not ashamed to admit that it felt good. I've really been out of the cooking mode so that was nice because I love to cook. Everything (the 2 things I cooked, being overly dramatic here) turned out, didn't burn anything or have any mishaps so that's good. Nobody appeared to have gotten food poisioning, etc. Guess I'm not completely out of it. Maybe I just think it was good because of all the allergy/sinus meds I've had.
I'm a grown woman, have a job, a child, various responsibilities and I am completely and totally unable to get myself out of bed in the mornings. About half the time I swear I sleep through my alarm. For a while I went to bed with my cell phone and would have it vibrate me awake (I know, that sounds really bad), but now I think I'm becoming immune to that too.
Since I am not yet immune to the shrill ringing of the telephone, I received a wake up call from my mother this morning, only amazingly enough, for some strange cosmic reason, I had already managed to drag my lazy sleepy ass out of bed. So mom's wakeup call came when I was in the shower and then blow drying my hair, and she was beginning to think I had overdosed on Benadryl (always a possibility) and was getting ready to come and knock down my door. I've never od'd on the stuff before...did have that weekend where I was with the parents and having an allergy attack and got confused on children's dosage and adult dosage and took too much. I normally take several benadryl, but I normally take Children's Benadryl. Anyways, I got my hands on a package of Benadryl and popped the normal amount but it was adult formula. Needless to say it induced a very nice hibernation/coma like state which I would greatly welcome right now. Mmmmmm good times.
That's it for now, btw I totally have on my retro 80's looking black and pink striped shirt....I know you are jealous.
-Robyn...I feel just like skipping
non-repressed memories
OK, I've had excessive amounts of benadryl today, so I guess I'm being reflective and not the least bit funny. So that's the big disclaimer on this corny sentimental blog.
the best childhood memories...
My Mom made us cherry turnovers to eat while we were watching the Wizard of Oz...you know, back when it was cool because they only showed it on t.v. once a year and you couldn't get instant electronic gratification by video/DVD.
My mom makes the best pie. She would make a cherry pie and it would be divided into 8 pieces, distributed as follows: 1 piece each Mom, Dad, Ken, Robyn, Justin, and the next morning for breakfast, 1 piece each for Ken, Robyn & Justin. Pie for breakfast - mmmmmm.
Saturday mornings I would go eat breakfast with my Dad and his work friends while my brothers stayed in bed asleep. I always loved getting up early and going with him. If we didn't go out to breakfast, Dad would go to Clark's Pastry Shop and buy us cookies to eat.
Going to eat at My Pie Pizza with my Grandma.
My Dad would take me to Street's to go shopping. My Mom said he could by me a dress, but he bought me two.
My Dad always took us to the movies on Christmas Eve. To the theatre that only showed one movie. We always got dressed up. Once he took me to see Snow White and I got to wear my Snow White dress.
Getting to spend the night at Grandma and Grandpa's house. On the way, got to stop at 7-Eleven and get a giant Butterfinger and an icy. In the morning, there would be donuts.
I got to be Princess Isabella in a school play.
Playing Barbies and swimming at Libby Quaid's house. Riding my apple-green bike.
Reading my Nancy Drew books. This was before the days of the giant book superstores and the internet. It was hard to find all the books to complete my collection. But my dad traveled, and wherever he went he would find a bookstore and bring me back a book I didn't have.
The very best birthday parties. There was one party...I was probably about 6. This was before the days of "Party Bazaar". My mom made all of us princess crowns out of construction paper. We had jewelry of candy necklaces and bracelets. My mom made me a cake that had cinderella and the royal coach on it. The party was in my backyard on the picnic table. There was another party, a pizza party, where my mom made invitations out of construction paper that looked like slices of pizza. At the party we all made our own personal pizzas. No Chuck-E-Cheese - what a concept!
After church, when my parents were both socializing in the fellowship hall, telling my dad that my mom wanted to go out to lunch and innocently asking where he wanted to go, then finding my mom and telling her my dad wanted to go to lunch...etc. Worked every time.
Our family vacation at Yellowstone National Park. Me and Mom and Justin would walk down to the "General Store" everyday. They had an old-fashioned ice-cream parlor. (note to self...amazing how many of the happy childhood memories involve food - obsessed much?). I also remember our trip to Mount Rushmore. We traveled in a camper. My Grandparents had a camper too and we met up with them. I liked to visit my Grandma in their camper and we would play Old Maid and make Rice Crispie treats. I think about that every time I see Rice Crispies.
My Grandma sneaking me off to get my ears pierced without permission. Classic.
Family Christmas parties where there would always be cold kraft mac n cheese made by my Aunt Debbie, and my Aunt Hazel's pea salad with chunks of cheese in it. I wish I had the recipe - for the pea salad that is...pretty much have the whole mac n cheese thing mastered.
The Christmas where I got a silver evening bag from my grandparents. My brother Ken wrote my name on the outside of it with red lipstick.
Me loosing my avon bunny necklace in pre-school, and Jon T. Heath finding it for me. I still have that necklace. The ears wiggle. I should totally wear it.
-Robyn...I want a poncho so damn bad I can hardly stand it.
proof is in the pudding...or the olives
There have been two times when I knew, I just knew, that my son was indeed my son.
For the most part, the little guy walks around looking and sounding like a mini-me of his father, like I had little or nothing to do with him and was merely the vessel that brought him into this world. He does have my devastatingly gorgeous mesmerizingly powerful bewitching blue eyes though. Lucky him, and too bad for the rest of the world who has to look us in the eye...
The other day, we went to Blockbuster Video. The newly re-arranged Blockbuster video. Here's how it went:
Nathan: "They've re-arranged Blockbuster!"
Me: "yep"
Nathan: "Just look at how feng shui it is in here! You can feel the chi flowing!"
I swear to God.
He did not hear this from his father.
Positive energy flowing at the Blockbuster! You'd think this meant we rented a really good movie. Nuh-uh.
The only other time I just knew, Nate was about three. I walked into the kitchen and there sat the cute little guy, sitting criss-cross/apple-sauce smack dab in the middle of the kitchen tile, eating green olives out of the jar with a spoon. That's my boy. I grabbed my own utensil and said "scoot over buddy".
-Robyn...sharp corners are pointing at me
By the way....
The guy who dumped me in the email....well he decided we DID have chemistry after all. What did I tell ya? Here's what happened. Apparently, fearful that I was too good to be true (yes gentlemen, I am practically perfect and perhaps the nicest girl you will ever meet and would be more than happy to bake you cookies or whip up a batch of rice crispie treats 4 U anytime) he had decided to do the pre-emptive breakup. Then after I sent him my very nice reply....you know OK, oh well, thought we got along alright, do what you need to do blah blah blah e-mail he wisely decided I was too precious to let go of and there was IN DEED chemistry and he did want to proceed forward with dating me.
Too. damn. bad. !!!
-Robyn...adored by the masses
today is the best day ever
hello....is anyone out there? Can you hear me? Just wanted to let you know I'm experiencing skirt-twirling, spinning around and around and around until you are dizzy, driving in a convertible with the top down, having pistachio almond ice cream, snow falling on your tounge, hearing a baby's laugh, sand between your toes, sleeping in, finding a $20 in your coat pocket, winning a free medium coke with next purchase kind of giddiness. That's all. Goodnight.
The Sky is Falling!
Signs it'll never work with a guy.....
1. He can't figure out that your name is Robyn, not Robin. Or even worse, constantly calls you something like Sweety, so as to not confuse your name with someone else's.
2. He can't quite grasp that your birthday is not on May 12.
3. He has a playstation.
4. You can wear his jeans. Don't ever hang around a guy the same size as or smaller than you.
5. His parents live within the same state border or a neighboring state.
6. Two words: pet snake.
7. Your sock monkey doesn't like him.
8. Memory loss: he frequently forgets HE has the balls...
9. When you are 9 months pregnant & wearing a red dress, tells you you look like a giant red tomato (this particular relationship won't work because he'll be dead and you'll probably be in jail. Never cross a girl with baby hormones).
10. He likes Jeff Gordon.
11. He doesn't read anything not printed on magazine paper.
12. He wraps all presents for you in newspaper....or even worse, leftover Christmas paper.
13. Only gets you flowers or cards of the "I'm sorry I was a jackass" variety.
Church Lady

This is my church home...
click on OKC campus
"Best of Life Church" on the left hand side of the screen
to watch past messages
"Growing to the Chapel" is a great series. I avoided it for a long time, didn't go to church when he was preaching the message, because I was going thru the big dissolution and didn't want to hear anything marriage-related. Ugh. I was completely wrong though....this message has so much more to do with man/woman relationships in general and has really spoken to me. I have now gone back and watched it several times.
other messages I think worth watching...
It's All in Your Mind
Religion Bites
Pain Killers
c'mon....give it a try.....what else are you going to watch? That re-run of Friends for the 82nd time?
Also I go to Sunday School at a different church...
this is the Singles ministry
I have been going to the Walk On Sunday School class.
God Save the Queen

1. wanker
2. pram
3. sod off
4. bum
5. bugger off
6. fag
7. bollocks
8. puff
9. loo
10. trainers
This is an ongoing list....feel free to make suggestions and I will be adding more as the come to me.
-R....Bridget Jones wannabe, in search of my Colin Firth
The Search for Strawberry Soda: Quality Control Division
Memorandum: the search for strawberry soda, by me, has officially been discontinued. No more random taste-testing of various mysterious cans, wrapped in plain brown paper...not knowing what you are drinking. After extensive (lie) research, our team of experts has concluded you don't have to actually look for the best strawberry soda. It will come to you. That's right...
Not necessarily when you are at your thirstyest, but rather when the time is right, God will see that the strawberry soda is the can that magically comes out of the soda machine, having little to do with what button you pushed or if you had correct change. If you have just the teensiest bit of faith...strawberry seed size... it'll happen, and it'll be the best strawberry soda you've ever tasted.

Robyn....not coca cola, but it's the real thing
p.s....why don't teensiest and thirstyest show up in the spell-checker?
smart girls vote
I signed up to help with John Kerry's campaign here in Oklahoma. It was very exciting at first, that day I opened up my e-mail and had a message from John Kerry himself! Then I got one from Mr. Edwards, and then I got one from Bill Clinton (side note...his was probably more due to my single status and not so much about my political involvements).
At first it seemed kind of special. I kept John's messages (yes, I feel like we are on a first name basis now) in my mailbox for a few days so every time I signed in, there he was. But then he sent another one, and another one, and another one... You don't possibly think that each and every one of these messages isn't personal and special to him??? Anyway, the deluge of e-mail messages is starting to irritate me so much, it's making me wonder if I should change my political affiliations.
-Robyn for president
bad hair day
Olympic Gymanstics - I understand the complicated, technical scoring. I understand all the various moves, dismounts, techniques, routines... But would somebody please explain to me what is going on with those barrettes? Not only do have have to meet certain competitive requirements in order to earn a place on the team, apparently you must also wear a hairstyle involving a ponytail and many silver barrettes. I have worn my hair in a ponytail many a times, and not once have I had to secure it with 50 little silver barrettes. Have these girls not heard of bobby pins....hellllloooooooo...invisible! Or hair gel? Is there some chemical in hair gel that the rest of us don't know about that perhaps causes athletes to test positive for steriods, therefore they avoid it? Could it be that the added weight in the barrettes has the ability to alter their performance....??? the olympic judges may want to look into this conspiracy theory. It is so distracting, I can't even watch their performances. Hmmmmm...this may be the case for the judges as well!
Or if you are afraid of hair products and would rather wear so many of the silver clippy things that you would be unable to go thru a metal detector....uhhhhhh what about a different haircut? I'm thinking something short or which doesn't need to involve layers which you will obviously regret and need to clip and clip and clip?????
-Robyn...gold medal in style
Suggestion Box
As you will recall from a previous posting, I was unceremoniously dumped via email after four dates. I thought we'd spend some time to formulate some possible responses to the electronic message. Here's the message I received, and various witty responses follow:
Hi Robyn, Sorry for not getting with you sooner. I had to work on Saturday. I know Thursday might not have been all that it coulda, woulda, shoulda, have been.I just wanted to get some
feedback from you. I am enjoying your company, but even though we get along
intellectually I am feeling that there is a certain lack of chemistry between us. Let me know if you see it different and I am way off base and just not reading it right.L8r, name withheld
Dear Name Withheld,
Bite me.
I can't take credit for this one. Suggested by Boss.
Dear Name Withheld,
Sorry we weren't forming great chemistry. I'm sorry that, out of our four dates, the two dates we had at the movies where we sat in a theatre and were unable to speak to one another did not bring us closer together.
(note to self: This is a great example of why "what YOU want" is extremely important. I didn't even get to see the movie I wanted to see! Should have thrown a fit, stomped my feet and held my breath, until I got "The Village" instead of that stupid "Bourne Supremacy"!)
Dear Name Withheld,
Sorry we didn't have great chemistry. I will learn from this experience and next time I will wear my white lab coat over my stunning red dress. Do I need to get some safety goggles too? Does the whole lab coat/lab/mad scientist role playing fantasy do anything for you?
Dear Name Withheld,
I can't believe you are breaking up with me. After those four meaningful dates we had. I was so looking forward to meeting your Mom, and our wedding this fall. Would you consider couples counseling? Please e-mail me back as soon as possible to let me know, or I'll call you. Every 15 minutes.
Dear Name Withheld,
I am completely shocked you have used e-mail as the medium in which to break up with me. I must say I never saw that coming. Even after you used e-mail to ask me out on our last date.
I will never look at my in-box the same way again. Frankly, I blame Microsoft for the failure of our relationship.
Dear Name Withheld,
I am saddened to learn you didn't think we had chemistry. I often find I have great chemistry when I communicate in relationships solely using e-mail rather than than something that involves close physical proximity, tangible human interaction or involves a voice.
Dear Name Withheld,
I'm sorry your computer does not have chemistry with my computer. I'm calling the help desk immediately to try to get this resolved. I don't care how long I have to be on hold!
Suggestions are welcome and appreciated. I obviously need all the help I can get with this whole man/woman thing.
I can't do this any more. I am so through with dating. I swear. I'm done. I'm going to buy 18 cats and a unicorn collection and start buying my clothes at Wal-Mart and wearing sensible shoes on unpolished toes. Maybe even move back in with the folks.
-Robyn...I kissed dating goodbye
this ain't no strawberry soda...
the following is based on actual events....
I went on four dates with a guy, then got this e-mail:
Hi Robyn, Sorry for not getting with you sooner. I had to work on Saturday. I know Thursday might not have been all that it coulda, woulda, shoulda, have been. I just wanted to get some feedback from you. I am enjoying your company, but even though we get along intellectually I am feeling that there is a certain lack of chemistry between us. Let me know if you see it different and I am way off base and just not reading it right. L8r, name withheldAnd it was an e-mail. Not even an instant message where we might actually have to engage in an on-line conversation about our lack of chemistry.
First of all, I've never, ever had a lack of chemistry with anybody. Oh, except for that man I was married to for 10+ years, but that's a whole other story. Anyways, chemistry is normally not a problem. It's usually just the opposite, lots o' chemistry and not much substance. So I guess we can be pleased with the fact I'm making progress and people find me intellectually appealing. Maybe pretty doesn't matter and I don't need to worry about getting those pedicures so often.
Do you remember the days when people actually had to pick up the phone to dump you? Granted, he had to type this out, but it could be a macro, an automated response.
Guys can be such babies. And advances in electronic media are just making it easier for them...first they didn't want to see the look on your face so they used the phone, now they don't even want to hear your voice. On the plus side, you don't have to hear their voice either, so you don't have that tape to play and re-play in your head. Just hit the delete button. You'll just have to stick to listening to the other voices in your head.
date #1, dinner $10.00
date #2, pancakes at IHOP, $4.00
date #3, dinner $10.00
date #4, movie $8.00
getting dumped in an e-mail, pricel....wait a minute, it was actually worth about $32.00.
and I can assure you I looked drop-dead gorgeous, not the least bit intellectual, every single time...
What is the big deal about chemistry anyway? Isn't that achievable with just about anybody?
I may not be any sort of relationship expert, but I know that chemistry is not the thing that lasts.
-Robyn...dumped by the ghost in the machine
Insert Clever Title Here
Did you ever have one of those moments of clarity when you realize your life is completely normal? I had that most glorious moment this morning (the sun was shining, birds were singing, my cute little skirt was flappin' in the breeze, blah blah blah) when I realized that my life was 100% completely back to normal and relatively crisis-free.
And even 100% normal means that I forgot to put my mascara on this morning and my car is a pit and I still haven't cleaned my bathroom and my fridge is still empty and I'm just a big disorganized frosted flake who lost her keys this week and misplaced the cellular....it's good. I've known for a while that I was going to be ok no matter what....it's just that pivotal moment when you realize the "no matter what", the particular circumstance, is totally behind you....looking at your cute little fanny. Because stuff that happens doesn't define who you are, it's just stuff that happens to you.
-Robyn...insert witty comment here
Potato Follow Up
I don't know which is more astounding. The fact that I actually took the time to write and post an entry on a baked potato, or the fact that two other people felt compelled to comment on my ode to the potato. I went back yesterday and got another potato, it was almost worthy of a follow-up posting, but I was suffering writer's block so it's not going to happen. Editor's note: we are exploring the possibility of adding postings for tater tots, steak fries, french fries, twice-baked potatoes and my personal favorite - mashed - due to the popularity of the potato post. You might want to refresh your internet browser every 5 minutes or so to see if we've made an update.
I am Emma

I bet you were up tossing & turning last night, just like me, wondering which Austen heroine I am most like. Now you know.

My friend Kyndal had this on her blog so I thought I'd give it a whirl....
here's the description...
it's your duty to help those less influential than you. You often meddle in the affairs of others, though you do it with a pure heart. You are often deluded in your flights of fancy, but your good intentions and creative spirit make you someone anyone could like.
Another On-Time Delivery
Another sleepless night. I went to bed at 11:00, just dog-ass (what's that mean anyway?) tired. I fell asleep initially, but then I woke up and there was no hope. Thank goodness for blogging or I might actually be forced to watch that stupid movie I rented. It's so embarrassing I'm not even going to tell you what it is. It's not my fault though, it was slim-pickins at Blockbuster.
I know why I can't sleep tonight. I promised Boss I would be at the office by 8:00. So I have been tossing and turning and looking at the clock. Well, actually, I can't see the clock without my contacts in, so it's more like turning my head in the general direction of the clock. Tossing and turning sounds more dramatic though, doesn't it? I want to get there at 8 so I can make a big deal about it. Don't you love it? I want to make a big deal over the fact that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing...my job! How sick and twisted. I'll be all theatrical and exasperated that I'm there nearly on time. And he should be grateful for that and how I pretty up the place. I mean, it wasn't my idea to open the silly office at such an ungodly hour! Especially when the nearest coffee is 1/2 mile away at the Starbucks. Like I'm going to go to Conoco next door and drink - gasp - gas station coffee????? Oh the horror!
-Robyn...the best part of waking up is Folg....uhhhh, I'll get back to you on that one, after I awake
That's right - just cheese, ranch, butter & olives...
Are you sitting down? I got a baked potato today. I called in my order, and I just knew I was going to have to repeat it several times when the girl asked me to "hode on" instead of "hold on" before she slammed the phone on the counter.
When I got to the restaurant to pick it up, they didn't have it ready yet because they were confused over the simplicity of my order: a baked potato with butter, spicy ranch dressing, cheese and black olives. How could this be? This is not a choice on our menu!!! No, I don't want the one with bacon or chives or turkey or dressing or meatloaf or whatever weird-ass stuff you want to put on a friggin' potato! I could overhear the cashier discussing my order with the chef....she repeated it to him three times. He kept repeating it back to her, like it was the strangest, most unbelievable thing he had ever heard. An alien ship just landed in the parking lot. Elvis is alive and well. Michael Jackson wants his old nose back. And this woman only wants what on her potato?
On the plus side, this did give me plenty of time to pick out which cookie I wanted. On the dark side, it brings out a slightly mean streak in me. Every time I repeat my order it makes me want to change it, make it slightly different and even more complex.
Geez, it gets harder and harder every day to eat carbs.
-Robyn...havin' it your way, as long as your way isn't with butter, spicy ranch, cheese and black olives
National Do Not Call Registry
Recently, thanks to our lawmakers, the "National Do-Not-Call Registry" was enacted. This is where you enter your telephone number and telemarketers are not allowed to call you. It is a big no-no.
We should not be terribly surprised or impressed that our lawmakers thought of this. After all, our government is still mostly comprised of males. And men have had their own do-not-call registry for years. It is called the entire female population.
It is a grand conspiracy of males to tell females they will call. Then they don't. I have a theory that they have all banded together to do this. Then, when a guy truly and deeply cares for a girl, he will actually call. That is how everyone knows he is serious, much like the Batman signal flashed in the sky. It goes something like this....."You are never going to believe what happened! He said he would call me on Tuesday night...and guess what! He did!". (And shame on us girls for thinking a guy is all that just because he actually does what he says he is going to do.)
There is one other possible scenario. It's rare though. The guy was raised properly. A gentleman. Has manners. A man of his word. I know, shocking. Utterly shocking.
I was completely taken aback when I started dating and learned that guys will actually tell you they will call you, but they won't. It took me a couple of first-hand experiences and watching every episode of "Sex in the City" to figure this one out. I am so naive. I had no idea.
I just can't do it. I just can't tell someone I'm going to call, and not do it. At my absolute worst, I will wait too long to call you, and I can assure you I will feel very guilty about it.
I know times have changed, and I can pick up the phone and call a guy myself, but I'm still kind of old-fashioned. I find this difficult to do. I don't own a copy of "The Rules". I will never go out and buy one. I will never be that ultra modern chic sophisticated worldly dater. If you call me up and ask me out, and I don't have a conflict, I'll go. I won't say no to a date on Friday just because you waited until Wednesday to ask me. I won't intentionally ignore your messages for days because I think it will make you want me more. I'm just not that kind of girl, and I never will be. I don't want to be.
And please don't think you are anything special just because I care if you call. If someone says they are going to call me, and doesn't, I become genuinely concerned. I will think you are stuck in a ditch, have been attacked by a wild dingo or have fallen and can't get up. I will wonder if I should bake you cookies, send you flowers, visit you in the hospital. Don't get too excited... just because I'm concerned doesn't mean I want to marry you and have your babies. It just means that I am nice. Don't forget I'm also genuinely concerned about the homeless guy on the street corner when I give him a dollar, but I have no expectation whatsoever that I will ever see him again or that we will have any sort of lasting relationship.
-Robyn....no rules, just right
The Actual Contents of My Refrigerator
1. water
2. butter
3. milk - yes, I actually got milk right now. Impressive. I don't drink it though.
4. ketchup
5. jelly, grape of course. Any other kind is for freaks.
6. chocolate syrup
7. cold gel eye masks, to reduce puffiness
8. Kraft cheese slices - these things are not from nature and have an infinite shelf life.
9. baking soda - you know, to keep the contents of my refrigerator smelling fresh
True Confession: Me No Understand Football
I don't understand football. I really, really, really want to though. I want to put on team sweatshirts, tailgate, make special snacks for halftime and throw Superbowl parties, but I just don't get it. Nobody has ever explained it to me.
I know I should. I was a photographer at football games for years. But I was always busy taking pictures...of what, I dunno. Mom is a huge OU fan. In fact, she wanted to name older brother Steve Owen. So you think something genetically would have rubbed off. It didn't though.
I lived with Mr. Sports for years. Obviously, our marriage was not strong enough for him to attempt to teach me the nuances of football. We never could just pick a game, a game that didn't matter, so he could use that to teach me. All games were of equal importance. I knew better than to interrupt to ask a question. I just watched and listened quietly.
When I was married, I even went to the OSU football games. I loved to put on my "gear" and the whole experience. But our season tickets were in the end zone, which is apparently not the best place to sit when you don't know what the *#^%$) is going on. Besides, OSU always looses, so what fun is that? I was really good at being the one to go fetch hot cocoa.
Once, I even picked a pro team. I chose the Raiders, and I must be a good picker because they ended up going to the Superbowl that year. I picked them because their colors were black and silver, pretty. They had a female owner. And I liked that whole pirate thing.
Last year, when I was watching a game, one of the announcers completely dumbed it down...he said "Offense, they blank and blank. Defense, they blank and blank". Whatever he said totally made sense, but I didn't write it down so I lost what they blanky blanks are. I need a cheat sheet. "Football for Blondes", "Football for Dummies", something.
Nascar I get. Baseball, basketball, I get. But somebody, please explain football to me so that I can finally go to Buffalo Wild Wings and watch Monday Night Football and not be such an airhead. Besides, we can play fantasy football and bet a steak dinner or something.
I also can't drive a stick and don't know how to play solataire, but one thing at a time.
Utah Refugee Sighting
I saw an SUV pulling a trailer this morning. It had Utah plates. I can only assume it was another female refugee trying to escape the state...the Mormons, the wife killers, the kidnappers, etc. You go girl!
Bill Gates - the anti-christ?
No, he couldn't be. People don't like him. People will like the anti-christ and find himher charming. Yes, himher is a word.
I'm just mad because I have been jacking around between excel and power point for two hours and all I managed to do is lose my data and not accomplish anything. Yes I know I should have been more dilligent about saving, but hey...I was busy working and caught up in the moment. Besides, it takes two to tango and excel was right there with me....what the $&%($ was it doing? Where's my auto-save? I'm obviously too tired to be working on stuff, so I thought I would make some sort of concerted effort to type coherent thoughts here. Doubt I'll be able to do that because a second ago when I was trying to type effort I typed a totally different word I didn't even mean and now I can't even tell you what it was.
Uh oh, Boss apparently reads these things. Boss, I owe you a humble, heart-felt apology. No more blogging at work. I will begin self induced torture and flaggelation right now. For punishment I will probably stay out of your candy drawer for the rest of the week. I will do things more in line with company procedures and acceptable workplace practices. I promise to make it my goal that I will learn how to play Solataire instead of blogging. I don't care if it takes extra hours at night or on weekends, or what kind of specialized training I have to get.
So since we know Boss reads these I will make a note to self to watch what I post out here....no ramblings on about unfit work conditions, like the lack of a refrigerator or coffee pot (I have to drive to Starbucks for cryin' out loud!), the lack of the the candy that I like (nevermind the fact that it's gone because I ate it all), etc.
I will also take a moment to point out to Boss that I do generally get to work in the mornings within half an hour of when he's asked me to get there....I mean, that whole 8 o'clock thing is really more like a guideline isn't it? In the months that I've had a key to the office, I've only lost it once. I do try to make the office a prettier place. I think we can all agree that my toes always look good. I only wore my camoflage capri pants that one time when I thought you wouldn't be coming into the office. Also, don't forget who brought you the donut today and who took the initiative to establish "donut day".
And one more thing, it's not nice to make fun of people when their lymph nodes hurt. Mine really do. It's not nice to not be nice. You will really be kicking yourself if I end up having a bad case of lymphnodeitis or something.
Gotta go. Have to go to bed so I can get up and be at work at 8ish tomorrow.
P. S. Didn't ever really think Bill Gates could be the anti-christ. I've long thought, since my son was a toddler, that it must be Barney the Dinosaur. I think Barney will gather his legions by singing the "I Love You, You Love Me" song.
blather blah blah
this is just blather blah blah about nothing...
There is a picture in today's paper of a Miss Oklahoma Teen contestant. The caption says "Miss blah blah blah blah wears 4-inch heels as she practices modeling and stage presentation at pageant prep..." Whatever! I would agree that walking in high heels is an important social skill. So I guess I practice modeling and stage presentation every day! (after all, I am a star

I'm so tired today and all of my lymph nodes are swollen which always makes me think of Debra Winger in Terms of Endearment so I get just a bit panicky. I might even be more panicky if I didn't want to take a nap so badly. Plus ever since I went to the eye doctor my contacts have not been quite right and I have this weird vision thing going on... I put the......at the end of the sentence because I know it's not grammatically correct to end it with a preposition so I can't just put the one period, like this.
I have a shocking true confession. I really like bald guys. Smooth, shaved heads. I met a guy at church last weekend, and he introduced himself to me and we were talking and this is so weird to admit...I was thinking I like your bald head. Can you compliment someone like that? Can I actually say I find your bald head aesthetically pleasing? Aren't most men embarrassed about being follically challenged and if I pointed out their most embarrassing feature to them, that would be bad, wouldn't it? Most of the time I do have to resist my urge to feel of people's hair. If someone's got spiky hair I want to touch it to see if it's soft or crunchy. If someone is bald I want to feel it and see if it's smooth. I'm usually able to control myself. This goes back to my brother's GI Joe dolls...the one's with the felt hair. I liked to feel that too.
My brother has been all over my case about this no facial hair on guys thing. I just don't like it. My dad is 61 and still has a full head of hair and has had a mustache most of my life. I think it is perfectly normal that, in seeking out members of the opposite sex, I would lean towards guys with less hair and no mustaches. I mean, wouldn't it be the slightest bit creepy if I found guys attractive with the same physical characteristics as my father? But my brother says this must mean I think our father is unattractive, which is not true. He's just being annoying.
Anyways, for whatever reasoning, however psychologically deep you want to be about it, I like bald guys. And guys, I say embrace your bald heads. Don't cover them up with ball caps. We all know you are bald. You are not fooling anyone. Some of us think you are cute.
I found my keys but I knew I would because I had a new key to the office made yesterday. I knew when I was having the key made that was the one thing that would force my keys to turn up.
New word: carguement
definition: an argument occurring in the confines of an automobile
I'm going to trademark this word. It's mine. I invented it, don't even try to steal it.
Had lots of these when I was married. For a very brief period, my former husband and I carpooled to work. It was brief in the scheme of things, like ten months, but it seemed like an eternity. I will at this time take a moment to point out I am no longer married to this person. I also have a pretty clear understanding that carpooling is one of the top ten reasons for divorce. The last big cargument we had that I can recall with clarity was the infamous Silver Dollar City trip, summer of 2002. I actually lost my cool, my temper, with my husband-at-the-time, right in front of our son. Something which I had never done before. But he was going to make us stay in the car an extra three hours and I couldn't handle it any more. Plus at the end of the extra three hours, we were going to have to see his parents. I got my way and it was totally worth it.
I had a cargument with the last guy I dated. He car travels all the time for his job and I just had the assumption that since he travels all the time he must have a good sense of direction, know how to get places blah blah blah. The cargument started because we had a map and, unbeknownst to me, I was apparently supposed to be the one reading and interpreting the map and telling him where to go. Sadly, I feel like this was the beginning of the end. Once you've had a cargument, it's all downhill from there. When we had the cargument we were still at the point in our relationship, early on, when I was still worried about whether or not my legs looked too fat in my shorty shorts. Which is not something you worry about after you've been with a guy for a while. Ok, I always worry about it. Anyways, when it was all over, I mailed the guy a compass and wished him luck finding his way.
I was thinking about carguments because my son is exceptionally good at wanting to start them. I think I need to create a different environment for the car....that the car is a harmonious, peaceful place....some zen-like atmosphere.....and we should act almost temple-like, library whisperish, funeral parlor peacefulness, baby sleeping tranquility when we get in the car. What do I need to do to accomplish this? Candles on the dashboard? Incense? Those seem kind of dangerous. When you go through the checklist...you know, check the mirrors, adjust the seat blah blah blah, add some yoga postures?
I have one rule about music CDs. It's a very simple rule. You cannot take an original CD to school with you. We can burn 82 copies of the same CD and you can take all 82 of those copies to be lost, destroyed, stolen, used in craft projects, etc....but you may NOT take the only copy of a CD into school with you. No, no, no! Almost every day when we get into the car, my son asks me if he can take a CD into school with him. To which I respond "what is my rule?" and to which he responds "but I'll be careful" blah blah blah blah blah. But you would be proud of me. I never give in...
Someone asked me what my favorite number is the other day and I realized I didn't have one. Put this on my to-do list. I met a guy who's favorite number is 42. I just decided when I typed the above paragraph my favorite number must be 82 because whenever I exaggerate with a number, I always use 82. I can be ever so dramatic about things.
Better go, I have like 82 things to do...
-Robyn blah blah blah blah, blah to the 82nd power
The Search For Strawberry Soda, Part 5
I went to church with a guy on Sunday.
His three children were in town visiting him. One of his children is the same age as my child, so that's pretty exciting.
The plan was we'd meet for church and go out to lunch after. Me and my kiddo and him and his kiddos. However, my former spouse technically still had Nathan. We were all at the same service though, so I was able to introduce Nathan to his son and they went to the children's worship service together. (Note to self: could possibly hinder ability to meet men at church when you are at same worship service as your former spouse. Thankfully, it's a big church.)
In my personal opinion, I haven't dated very much in my lifetime. It's amazing...the more guys I'm around, it gets faster and easier to be discerning and spot the red flags. Or to just quickly have the feeling that, even if a person is at church, something just isn't right. On to the next one.
I declined this guy's lunch invite. I graciously explained that since I didn't have Nate and we couldn't have all the kids together, he could just go out with his kids and enjoy the time he has with them. Really, I didn't want to intrude on the little time he has to spend with his kids. Another plus of dating more: learning how to graciously decline an invitation - an important social skill but oftentimes hard to do.
Nathan sure was impressed though. He was ready for me to walk down the aisle. His comments:
- If you get married, can I be the ring bearer? Can I be the flower boy?
- That kid would be an awesome brother!
- You mean we're not going to go to lunch with them? Can he take us out to lunch some other time?
I had to explain to Nathan that Mommy may meet men, and we may actually reject a few before we settle on the right one. Or Mommy may stay single the rest of her life and die alone, but that's ok too. I'm paraphrasing here, but you get the point. Seriously, I explained to Nathan that I won't end up with anyone unless it's God's plan and God sends the right man for both me and especially for Nathan.
It's so painfully obvious to me why you have to be so careful about dating when you are a single parent. Who you allow your children to be exposed to. Above all, I have to make decisions that serve to guard him and protect him and are in his best interest because he is the most precious thing in the world to me.
True Confession: How I Spent Saturday Night
- Went to church with my Mother.
- Watched Big Brother.
- Cleaned.
- Went to Blockbuster with my dog, Okie Dokie. Returned "Welcome to Mooseport" (ok) and "The Last Samurai" (stupid). Rented "Chasing Liberty" (ok, but not as ok as Mooseport) and the 1976 "Freaky Friday". (On a side note this gave me the idea of hosting a Film Festival/Movie Night featuring the works of Jodie Foster.)
- Went to Braums. Had to go through several flavors of ice cream which they did not have - no the &*%($& did NOT have Pistachio Almond - before I settled on Butter Pecan.
- Also popped a bag of microwave popcorn.
- And the crowning achievement - I watched a 1940ish movie with Gary Cooper "Meet John Doe" on PBS.
It's what all the popular/pretty girls are doing on Saturday night. Try not to be TOO jealous of my glamorous life.